# SolarFM SolarFM is a Gtk+ Python file manager. # Notes Still Work in progress! Use at own risk! Additionally, if not building a .deb then just move the contents of user_config to their respective folders. Copy the share/solarfm folder to your user .config/ directory too. `pyrightconfig.json`

The pyrightconfig file needs to stay on same level as the .git folders in order to have settings detected when using pyright with lsp functionality. "pyrightconfig.json" can prompt IDEs such as Zed on settings to use and where imports are located- look at venvPath and venv. "venvPath" is parent path of "venv" where "venv" is just the name of the folder under the parent path that is the python created venv.

Install Setup
``` sudo apt-get install xclip python3.8 python3-setproctitle python3-gi wget ffmpegthumbnailer steamcmd ``` # Known Issues # TODO # Images ![1 SolarFM single pane. ](images/pic1.png) ![2 SolarFM double pane. ](images/pic2.png) ![3 SolarFM triple pane. ](images/pic3.png) ![4 SolarFM quad pane. ](images/pic4.png)