# Python imports import os # Lib imports import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject, Gio # Application imports class WidgetFileActionMixin: def sizeof_fmt(self, num, suffix="B"): for unit in ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return f"{num:3.1f} {unit}{suffix}" num /= 1024.0 return f"{num:.1f} Yi{suffix}" def get_dir_size(self, sdir): """Get the size of a directory. Based on code found online.""" size = os.path.getsize(sdir) for item in os.listdir(sdir): item = os.path.join(sdir, item) if os.path.isfile(item): size = size + os.path.getsize(item) elif os.path.isdir(item): size = size + self.get_dir_size(item) return size def set_file_watcher(self, view): if view.get_dir_watcher(): watcher = view.get_dir_watcher() watcher.cancel() if debug: print(f"Watcher Is Cancelled: {watcher.is_cancelled()}") cur_dir = view.get_current_directory() # Temp updating too much with current events we are checking for. # Seems to cause invalid iter errors in WidbetMixin > update_store if cur_dir == "/tmp": watcher = None return dir_watcher = Gio.File.new_for_path(cur_dir) \ .monitor_directory(Gio.FileMonitorFlags.WATCH_MOVES, Gio.Cancellable()) wid = view.get_wid() tid = view.get_tab_id() dir_watcher.connect("changed", self.dir_watch_updates, (f"{wid}|{tid}",)) view.set_dir_watcher(dir_watcher) def dir_watch_updates(self, file_monitor, file, other_file=None, eve_type=None, data=None): if eve_type in [Gio.FileMonitorEvent.CREATED, Gio.FileMonitorEvent.DELETED, Gio.FileMonitorEvent.RENAMED, Gio.FileMonitorEvent.MOVED_IN, Gio.FileMonitorEvent.MOVED_OUT]: if debug: print(eve_type) wid, tid = data[0].split("|") notebook = self.builder.get_object(f"window_{wid}") view = self.get_fm_window(wid).get_view_by_id(tid) iconview = self.builder.get_object(f"{wid}|{tid}|iconview") store = iconview.get_model() _store, tab_label = self.get_store_and_label_from_notebook(notebook, f"{wid}|{tid}") view.load_directory() self.load_store(view, store) tab_label.set_label(view.get_end_of_path()) self.set_bottom_labels(view) def popup_search_files(self, wid, keyname): entry = self.builder.get_object(f"win{wid}_search_field") self.builder.get_object(f"win{wid}_search").popup() entry.set_text(keyname) entry.grab_focus_without_selecting() entry.set_position(-1) def do_file_search(self, widget, eve=None): query = widget.get_text() self.search_iconview.unselect_all() for i, file in enumerate(self.search_view.files): if query and query in file.lower(): path = Gtk.TreePath().new_from_indices([i]) self.search_iconview.select_path(path) items = self.search_iconview.get_selected_items() if len(items) == 1: self.search_iconview.scroll_to_path(items[0], True, 0.5, 0.5) def open_files(self): wid, tid, view, iconview, store = self.get_current_state() uris = self.format_to_uris(store, wid, tid, self.selected_files, True) for file in uris: view.open_file_locally(file) def open_with_files(self, appchooser_widget): wid, tid, view, iconview, store = self.get_current_state() app_info = appchooser_widget.get_app_info() uris = self.format_to_uris(store, wid, tid, self.selected_files) view.app_chooser_exec(app_info, uris) def execute_files(self, in_terminal=False): wid, tid, view, iconview, store = self.get_current_state() paths = self.format_to_uris(store, wid, tid, self.selected_files, True) current_dir = view.get_current_directory() command = None for path in paths: command = f"exec '{path}'" if not in_terminal else f"{view.terminal_app} -e '{path}'" view.execute(command, start_dir=view.get_current_directory(), use_os_system=False) def archive_files(self, archiver_dialogue): wid, tid, view, iconview, store = self.get_current_state() paths = self.format_to_uris(store, wid, tid, self.selected_files, True) save_target = archiver_dialogue.get_filename(); sItr, eItr = self.arc_command_buffer.get_bounds() pre_command = self.arc_command_buffer.get_text(sItr, eItr, False) pre_command = pre_command.replace("%o", save_target) pre_command = pre_command.replace("%N", ' '.join(paths)) command = f"{view.terminal_app} -e '{pre_command}'" view.execute(command, start_dir=None, use_os_system=True) def rename_files(self): rename_label = self.builder.get_object("file_to_rename_label") rename_input = self.builder.get_object("new_rename_fname") wid, tid, view, iconview, store = self.get_current_state() uris = self.format_to_uris(store, wid, tid, self.selected_files, True) for uri in uris: entry = uri.split("/")[-1] rename_label.set_label(entry) rename_input.set_text(entry) self.show_edit_file_menu(rename_input) if self.skip_edit: self.skip_edit = False continue if self.cancel_edit: self.cancel_edit = False break rname_to = rename_input.get_text().strip() target = f"{view.get_current_directory()}/{rname_to}" self.handle_files([uri], "rename", target) self.skip_edit = False self.cancel_edit = False self.hide_edit_file_menu() self.selected_files.clear() def cut_files(self): wid, tid, view, iconview, store = self.get_current_state() uris = self.format_to_uris(store, wid, tid, self.selected_files, True) self.to_cut_files = uris def copy_files(self): wid, tid, view, iconview, store = self.get_current_state() uris = self.format_to_uris(store, wid, tid, self.selected_files, True) self.to_copy_files = uris def paste_files(self): wid, tid = self.window_controller.get_active_data() view = self.get_fm_window(wid).get_view_by_id(tid) target = f"{view.get_current_directory()}" if len(self.to_copy_files) > 0: self.handle_files(self.to_copy_files, "copy", target) elif len(self.to_cut_files) > 0: self.handle_files(self.to_cut_files, "move", target) def delete_files(self): wid, tid, view, iconview, store = self.get_current_state() uris = self.format_to_uris(store, wid, tid, self.selected_files, True) response = None self.warning_alert.format_secondary_text(f"Do you really want to delete the {len(uris)} file(s)?") for uri in uris: file = Gio.File.new_for_path(uri) if not response: response = self.warning_alert.run() self.warning_alert.hide() if response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: type = file.query_file_type(flags=Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE) if type == Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY: view.delete_file( file.get_path() ) else: file.delete(cancellable=None) else: break def trash_files(self): wid, tid, view, iconview, store = self.get_current_state() uris = self.format_to_uris(store, wid, tid, self.selected_files, True) for uri in uris: self.trashman.trash(uri, False) def restore_trash_files(self): wid, tid, view, iconview, store = self.get_current_state() uris = self.format_to_uris(store, wid, tid, self.selected_files, True) for uri in uris: self.trashman.restore(filename=uri.split("/")[-1], verbose=False) def empty_trash(self): self.trashman.empty(verbose=False) def create_files(self): fname_field = self.builder.get_object("context_menu_fname") file_name = fname_field.get_text().strip() type = self.builder.get_object("context_menu_type_toggle").get_state() wid, tid = self.window_controller.get_active_data() view = self.get_fm_window(wid).get_view_by_id(tid) target = f"{view.get_current_directory()}" if file_name: if len(target) == 1: path = f"{target}{file_name}" else: path = f"{target}/{file_name}" if type == True: # Create File self.handle_files([path], "create_file") else: # Create Folder self.handle_files([path], "create_dir") fname_field.set_text("") def move_files(self, files, target): self.handle_files(files, "move", target) # NOTE: Gtk recommends using fail flow than pre check existence which is more # race condition proof. They're right; but, they can't even delete # directories properly. So... f**k them. I'll do it my way. def handle_files(self, paths, action, _target_path=None): target = None _file = None response = None overwrite_all = False rename_auto_all = False for path in paths: try: if "file://" in path: path = path.split("file://")[1] file = Gio.File.new_for_path(path) if _target_path: if os.path.isdir(_target_path): info = file.query_info("standard::display-name", 0, cancellable=None) _target = f"{_target_path}/{info.get_display_name()}" _file = Gio.File.new_for_path(_target) else: _file = Gio.File.new_for_path(_target_path) else: _file = Gio.File.new_for_path(path) if _file.query_exists(): if not overwrite_all and not rename_auto_all: self.exists_file_label.set_label(_file.get_basename()) self.exists_file_field.set_text(_file.get_basename()) response = self.show_exists_page() if response == "overwrite_all": overwrite_all = True if response == "rename_auto_all": rename_auto_all = True if response == "rename": base_path = _file.get_parent().get_path() new_name = self.exists_file_field.get_text().strip() rfPath = f"{base_path}/{new_name}" _file = Gio.File.new_for_path(rfPath) if response == "rename_auto" or rename_auto_all: _file = self.rename_proc(_file) if response == "overwrite" or overwrite_all: type = _file.query_file_type(flags=Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE) if type == Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY: wid, tid = self.window_controller.get_active_data() view = self.get_fm_window(wid).get_view_by_id(tid) view.delete_file( _file.get_path() ) else: _file.delete(cancellable=None) if response == "skip": continue if response == "skip_all": break if _target_path: target = _file else: file = _file if action == "create_file": file.create(flags=Gio.FileCreateFlags.NONE, cancellable=None) continue if action == "create_dir": file.make_directory(cancellable=None) continue type = file.query_file_type(flags=Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE) if type == Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY: wid, tid = self.window_controller.get_active_data() view = self.get_fm_window(wid).get_view_by_id(tid) fPath = file.get_path() tPath = target.get_path() state = True if action == "copy": view.copy_file(fPath, tPath) if action == "move" or action == "rename": view.move_file(fPath, tPath) else: if action == "copy": file.copy(target, flags=Gio.FileCopyFlags.BACKUP, cancellable=None) if action == "move" or action == "rename": file.move(target, flags=Gio.FileCopyFlags.BACKUP, cancellable=None) except GObject.GError as e: raise OSError(e) self.exists_file_rename_bttn.set_sensitive(False) def rename_proc(self, gio_file): full_path = gio_file.get_path() base_path = gio_file.get_parent().get_path() file_name = os.path.splitext(gio_file.get_basename())[0] extension = os.path.splitext(full_path)[-1] target = Gio.File.new_for_path(full_path) start = "-copy" if debug: print(f"Path: {full_path}") print(f"Base Path: {base_path}") print(f'Name: {file_name}') print(f"Extension: {extension}") i = 2 while target.query_exists(): try: value = file_name[(file_name.find(start)+len(start)):] int(value) file_name = file_name.split(start)[0] except Exception as e: pass target = Gio.File.new_for_path(f"{base_path}/{file_name}-copy{i}{extension}") i += 1 return target def exists_rename_field_changed(self, widget): nfile_name = widget.get_text().strip() ofile_name = self.exists_file_label.get_label() if nfile_name: if nfile_name == ofile_name: self.exists_file_rename_bttn.set_sensitive(False) else: self.exists_file_rename_bttn.set_sensitive(True) else: self.exists_file_rename_bttn.set_sensitive(False)