""" Win32 event loop. Windows notes: - Somehow it doesn't seem to work with the 'ProactorEventLoop'. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from ..terminal.win32_input import ConsoleInputReader from ..win32_types import SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES from .base import EventLoop, INPUT_TIMEOUT from .inputhook import InputHookContext from .utils import TimeIt from ctypes import windll, pointer from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, BOOL, HANDLE import msvcrt import threading __all__ = ( 'Win32EventLoop', ) WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x00000102 INPUT_TIMEOUT_MS = int(1000 * INPUT_TIMEOUT) class Win32EventLoop(EventLoop): """ Event loop for Windows systems. :param recognize_paste: When True, try to discover paste actions and turn the event into a BracketedPaste. """ def __init__(self, inputhook=None, recognize_paste=True): assert inputhook is None or callable(inputhook) self._event = _create_event() self._console_input_reader = ConsoleInputReader(recognize_paste=recognize_paste) self._calls_from_executor = [] self.closed = False self._running = False # Additional readers. self._read_fds = {} # Maps fd to handler. # Create inputhook context. self._inputhook_context = InputHookContext(inputhook) if inputhook else None def run(self, stdin, callbacks): if self.closed: raise Exception('Event loop already closed.') current_timeout = INPUT_TIMEOUT_MS self._running = True while self._running: # Call inputhook. with TimeIt() as inputhook_timer: if self._inputhook_context: def ready(wait): " True when there is input ready. The inputhook should return control. " return bool(self._ready_for_reading(current_timeout if wait else 0)) self._inputhook_context.call_inputhook(ready) # Calculate remaining timeout. (The inputhook consumed some of the time.) if current_timeout == -1: remaining_timeout = -1 else: remaining_timeout = max(0, current_timeout - int(1000 * inputhook_timer.duration)) # Wait for the next event. handle = self._ready_for_reading(remaining_timeout) if handle == self._console_input_reader.handle: # When stdin is ready, read input and reset timeout timer. keys = self._console_input_reader.read() for k in keys: callbacks.feed_key(k) current_timeout = INPUT_TIMEOUT_MS elif handle == self._event: # When the Windows Event has been trigger, process the messages in the queue. windll.kernel32.ResetEvent(self._event) self._process_queued_calls_from_executor() elif handle in self._read_fds: callback = self._read_fds[handle] callback() else: # Fire input timeout event. callbacks.input_timeout() current_timeout = -1 def _ready_for_reading(self, timeout=None): """ Return the handle that is ready for reading or `None` on timeout. """ handles = [self._event, self._console_input_reader.handle] handles.extend(self._read_fds.keys()) return _wait_for_handles(handles, timeout) def stop(self): self._running = False def close(self): self.closed = True # Clean up Event object. windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(self._event) if self._inputhook_context: self._inputhook_context.close() self._console_input_reader.close() def run_in_executor(self, callback): """ Run a long running function in a background thread. (This is recommended for code that could block the event loop.) Similar to Twisted's ``deferToThread``. """ # Wait until the main thread is idle for an instant before starting the # executor. (Like in eventloop/posix.py, we start the executor using # `call_from_executor`.) def start_executor(): threading.Thread(target=callback).start() self.call_from_executor(start_executor) def call_from_executor(self, callback, _max_postpone_until=None): """ Call this function in the main event loop. Similar to Twisted's ``callFromThread``. """ # Append to list of pending callbacks. self._calls_from_executor.append(callback) # Set Windows event. windll.kernel32.SetEvent(self._event) def _process_queued_calls_from_executor(self): # Process calls from executor. calls_from_executor, self._calls_from_executor = self._calls_from_executor, [] for c in calls_from_executor: c() def add_reader(self, fd, callback): " Start watching the file descriptor for read availability. " h = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(fd) self._read_fds[h] = callback def remove_reader(self, fd): " Stop watching the file descriptor for read availability. " h = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(fd) if h in self._read_fds: del self._read_fds[h] def _wait_for_handles(handles, timeout=-1): """ Waits for multiple handles. (Similar to 'select') Returns the handle which is ready. Returns `None` on timeout. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms687025(v=vs.85).aspx """ arrtype = HANDLE * len(handles) handle_array = arrtype(*handles) ret = windll.kernel32.WaitForMultipleObjects( len(handle_array), handle_array, BOOL(False), DWORD(timeout)) if ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT: return None else: h = handle_array[ret] return h def _create_event(): """ Creates a Win32 unnamed Event . http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682396(v=vs.85).aspx """ return windll.kernel32.CreateEventA(pointer(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()), BOOL(True), BOOL(False), None)