# Python imports import subprocess import os from os.path import isdir, isfile, join from os import listdir # Gtk imports from xdg.DesktopEntry import DesktopEntry # Application imports from core import Context class Main(Context): """ This is the start class called from "__main__" """ def __init__(self, args): """ Initialize it all... """ super().__init__(args) while True: self.clear() if not self.menuData: HOME_APPS = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.local/share/applications/" paths = ["/opt/", "/usr/share/applications/", HOME_APPS] self.menuData = self.getDesktopFilesInfo(paths) group = self.call_method("mainMenu")["group"] query = "" if "[ Search ]" in group: query = self.call_method("searchMenu")["query"] if "[ Exit ]" in group: break self.clear() progsList = ["[ TO MAIN MENU ]"] progsList += self.getSubgroup(group, query) entry = self.call_method("subMenu", [group, progsList])["prog"] if not "[ TO MAIN MENU ]" is entry: self.executeProgram(group, entry) def call_method(self, method_name, data = None): mName = str(method_name) method = getattr(self, mName, lambda data: "No valid key passed...\nkey= " + mName + "\nargs= " + data) return method(data) if data else method() def getDesktopFilesInfo(self, paths): menuObjs = { "Accessories": [], "Multimedia": [], "Graphics": [], "Game": [], "Office": [], "Development": [], "Internet": [], "Settings": [], "System": [], "Wine": [], "Other": [] } for path in paths: if not "/opt/" in path: self.listAndUpdateDesktopFiles(path, menuObjs); else: for folder in listdir(path): try: fPath = path + folder + "/" self.listAndUpdateDesktopFiles(fPath, menuObjs); except Exception as e: self.logger.debug(e) return menuObjs def listAndUpdateDesktopFiles(self, path, menuObjs): for f in listdir(path): fPath = path + f if isfile(fPath) and f.endswith(".desktop"): xdgObj = DesktopEntry(fPath) title = xdgObj.getName() groups = xdgObj.getCategories() comment = xdgObj.getComment() # icon = xdgObj.getIcon() mainExec = xdgObj.getExec() tryExec = xdgObj.getTryExec() group = "" if "Accessories" in groups or "Utility" in groups: group = "Accessories" elif "Multimedia" in groups or "Video" in groups or "Audio" in groups: group = "Multimedia" elif "Development" in groups: group = "Development" elif "Game" in groups: group = "Game" elif "Internet" in groups or "Network" in groups: group = "Internet" elif "Graphics" in groups: group = "Graphics" elif "Office" in groups: group = "Office" elif "System" in groups: group = "System" elif "Settings" in groups: group = "Settings" elif "Wine" in groups: group = "Wine" else: group = "Other" menuObjs[group].append( {"title": title, "groups": groups, "comment": comment, "exec": mainExec, "tryExec": tryExec, "fileName": f }) def getSubgroup(self, group, query = ""): """ # TODO: Need to refactor and pull out the sub logic that is used in both cases... """ desktopObjs = [] if "[ Search ]" in group: gkeys = self.menuData.keys() for gkey in gkeys: for opt in self.menuData[gkey]: keys = opt.keys() if "comment" in keys and len(opt["comment"]) > 0 : if query.lower() in opt["comment"].lower(): desktopObjs.append( opt["title"] + " || " + opt["comment"] ) continue if query.lower() in opt["title"].lower() or \ query.lower() in opt["fileName"].lower(): desktopObjs.append( opt["title"] + " || " + opt["fileName"].replace(".desktop", "") ) else: for opt in self.menuData[group]: keys = opt.keys() if "comment" in keys and len(opt["comment"]) > 0 : desktopObjs.append( opt["title"] + " || " + opt["comment"] ) else: desktopObjs.append( opt["title"] + " || " + opt["fileName"].replace(".desktop", "") ) return desktopObjs def executeProgram(self, group, entry): """ # TODO: Need to refactor and pull out the sub loop that is used in both cases... """ parts = entry.split("||") program = parts[0].strip() comment = parts[1].strip() if "[ Search ]" in group: gkeys = self.menuData.keys() for gkey in gkeys: for opt in self.menuData[gkey]: if program in opt["title"]: keys = opt.keys() if comment in opt["comment"] or comment in opt["fileName"]: DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') execFailed = False try: command = opt["tryExec"].split("%")[0] self.logger.debug(command) subprocess.Popen(command.split(), start_new_session=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) break except Exception as e: execFailed = True if execFailed: try: if "exec" in keys and len(opt["exec"]): command = opt["exec"].split("%")[0] self.logger.debug(command) subprocess.Popen(command.split(), start_new_session=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) break except Exception as e: self.logger.debug(e) else: for opt in self.menuData[group]: if program in opt["title"]: keys = opt.keys() if comment in opt["comment"] or comment in opt["fileName"]: DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') execFailed = False try: command = opt["tryExec"].split("%")[0] self.logger.debug(command) subprocess.Popen(command.split(), start_new_session=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) except Exception as e: execFailed = True if execFailed: try: if "exec" in keys and len(opt["exec"]): command = opt["exec"].split("%")[0] self.logger.debug(command) subprocess.Popen(command.split(), start_new_session=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug(e) def clear(self): os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')