# System import import os from os import path # Lib imports # Apoplication imports class Settings: logger = None lock_folder = False go_past_home = True GTK_ORIENTATION = 1 # HORIZONTAL (0) VERTICAL (1) ABS_THUMBS_PTH = None # Used for thumbnail generation and is set by passing in REMUX_FOLDER = None # Used for Remuxed files and is set by passing in FFMPG_THUMBNLR = None # Used for thumbnail generator binary and is set by passing in HIDE_HIDDEN_FILES = True USER_HOME = path.expanduser('~') CONFIG_PATH = USER_HOME + "/.config/pyfm" DEFAULT_ICONS = CONFIG_PATH + "/icons" DEFAULT_ICON = DEFAULT_ICONS + "/text.png" FFMPG_THUMBNLR = CONFIG_PATH + "/ffmpegthumbnailer" # Thumbnail generator binary REMUX_FOLDER = USER_HOME + "/.remuxs" # Remuxed files folder STEAM_BASE_URL = "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/" ICON_DIRS = ["/usr/share/pixmaps", "/usr/share/icons", USER_HOME + "/.icons" ,] BASE_THUMBS_PTH = USER_HOME + "/.thumbnails" # Used for thumbnail generation ABS_THUMBS_PTH = BASE_THUMBS_PTH + "/normal" # Used for thumbnail generation STEAM_ICONS_PTH = BASE_THUMBS_PTH + "/steam_icons" CONTAINER_ICON_WH = [128, 128] VIDEO_ICON_WH = [128, 64] SYS_ICON_WH = [56, 56] subpath = "" # modify 'home' folder path locked_folders = "venv::::flasks".split("::::") mplayer_options = "-quiet -really-quiet -xy 1600 -geometry 50%:50%".split() music_app = "/opt/deadbeef/bin/deadbeef" media_app = "mpv" image_app = "mirage" office_app = "libreoffice" pdf_app = "evince" text_app = "leafpad" file_manager_app = "spacefm" remux_folder_max_disk_usage = "8589934592" # Filters fvideos = ('.mkv', '.avi', '.flv', '.mov', '.m4v', '.mpg', '.wmv', '.mpeg', '.mp4', '.webm') foffice = ('.doc', '.docx', '.xls', '.xlsx', '.xlt', '.xltx', '.xlm', '.ppt', 'pptx', '.pps', '.ppsx', '.odt', '.rtf') fimages = ('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.ico', '.tga') ftext = ('.txt', '.text', '.sh', '.cfg', '.conf') fmusic = ('.psf', '.mp3', '.ogg', '.flac', '.m4a') fpdf = ('.pdf') # Dire structure check if path.isdir(REMUX_FOLDER) == False: os.mkdir(REMUX_FOLDER) if path.isdir(BASE_THUMBS_PTH) == False: os.mkdir(BASE_THUMBS_PTH) if path.isdir(ABS_THUMBS_PTH) == False: os.mkdir(ABS_THUMBS_PTH) if path.isdir(STEAM_ICONS_PTH) == False: os.mkdir(STEAM_ICONS_PTH)