# SWBF-msh-Blender-Export WIP .msh (SWBF toolchain version) exporter for Blender 2.8 Currently capable of exporting the active scene without skinning information. ### Installing You install it like any other Blender addon, if you already know how to do that then great! Grab the [latest release](https://github.com/SleepKiller/SWBF-msh-Blender-Export/releases/latest) (or if you're the adventerous type [clone from source](https://github.com/SleepKiller/SWBF-msh-Blender-Export/archive/master.zip)) and you'll be good to go. However if you don't know how to install then read on! These instructions are going to be for Windows. If you're on a different platform I'm sure some quick web searching can help provide you with answers. First download and extract the addon [latest release](https://github.com/SleepKiller/SWBF-msh-Blender-Export/releases/latest). Then open up Explorer and paste `%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\` into it's address bar. Then go into the `scripts` folder in that directory and copy the `addons` folder from the extracted addon into the scripts folder. Next open up Blender, go into Edit > Preferences > Addons. Select "Community" tab and then search for ".msh". "Import-Export: SWBF .msh export" should come up, check the box next to it. The preferences window should look like this once you're done. ![Installed addon.](docs/images/blender_addon_installed.png) If you've done that then the addon is installed and you should now find "SWBF msh" listed under Blender's export options. ### Reference Manual Included in the repository is a [Reference Manual](https://github.com/SleepKiller/SWBF-msh-Blender-Export/blob/master/docs/reference_manual.md#reference-manual) of sorts. There is no need to read through it before using the addon but anytime you have a question about how something works or why an export failed it should hopefully have the answers. ### Work to be done - [ ] Investigate and add support for exporting bones and vertex weights. - [ ] Investigate and add support for exporting animations. - [ ] Investigate and add support for editing and exporting SWBF2 cloth. - [ ] Implement .msh importing. Currently you can use the 1.2 release of [swbf-unmunge](releases/tag/v1.2.0) to save out munged models to glTF 2.0 files if you need to open a model in Blender. ### What from [glTF-Blender-IO](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-IO) was used? The `reload_package` function from \_\_init\_\_.py. Before writing this I had barely touched Python and when I saw that glTF-Blender-IO had a function to assist script reloading "I thought that's useful, I think I kinda need that and I don't know how to write something like that myself yet.". And it was very useful, so thank you to all the glTF-Blender-IO developers and contributors.