import os import bpy import re from .zaa_reader import * from .crc import * from .msh_model import * from .msh_model_utilities import * from .msh_utilities import * from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple #anims #bones #comps #keyframes: index,value def decompress_curves(input_file) -> Dict[int, Dict[int, List[ Dict[int,float]]]]: decompressed_anims: Dict[int, Dict[int, List[ Dict[int,float]]]] = {} with ZAAReader(input_file) as head: head.skip_until("SMNA") head.skip_bytes(20) num_anims = head.read_u16() print("\nFile contains {} animations\n".format(num_anims)) head.skip_bytes(2) anim_crcs = [] anim_metadata = {} with head.read_child() as mina: for i in range(num_anims): mina.skip_bytes(8) anim_hash = mina.read_u32() anim_crcs += [anim_hash] anim_data = {} anim_data["num_frames"] = mina.read_u16() anim_data["num_bones"] = mina.read_u16() anim_metadata[anim_hash] = anim_data with head.read_child() as tnja: for i,anim_crc in enumerate(anim_crcs): bone_params = {} for _ in range(anim_metadata[anim_crc]["num_bones"]): bone_hash = tnja.read_u32() rot_offsets = [tnja.read_u32() for _ in range(4)] loc_offsets = [tnja.read_u32() for _ in range(3)] qparams = [tnja.read_f32() for _ in range(4)] params = {"rot_offsets" : rot_offsets, "loc_offsets" : loc_offsets, "qparams" : qparams} bone_params[bone_hash] = params anim_metadata[anim_crc]["bone_params"] = bone_params with head.read_child() as tada: for anim_crc in anim_crcs: decompressed_anims[anim_crc] = {} num_frames = anim_metadata[anim_crc]["num_frames"] num_bones = anim_metadata[anim_crc]["num_bones"] #print("\n\tAnim hash: {} Num frames: {} Num joints: {}".format(hex(anim_crc), num_frames, num_bones)) #num_frames = 5 for bone_num, bone_hash in enumerate(anim_metadata[anim_crc]["bone_params"]): keyframes = [] params_bone = anim_metadata[anim_crc]["bone_params"][bone_hash] offsets_list = params_bone["rot_offsets"] + params_bone["loc_offsets"] qparams = params_bone["qparams"] #print("\n\t\tBone #{} hash: {}".format(bone_num,hex(bone_hash))) #print("\n\t\tQParams: {}, {}, {}, {}".format(*qparams)) for o,start_offset in enumerate(offsets_list): tada.skip_bytes(start_offset) curve = {} val = 0.0 if o < 4: mult = 1 / 2047 offset = 0.0 else: mult = qparams[-1] offset = qparams[o - 4] #print("\n\t\t\tBias = {}, multiplier = {}".format(offset, mult)) #print("\n\t\t\tOffset {}: {} ({}, {} remaining)".format(o,start_offset, tada.get_current_pos(), tada.how_much_left(tada.get_current_pos()))) j = 0 exit_loop = False while (j < num_frames and not exit_loop): val = offset + mult * tada.read_i16() curve[j if j < num_frames else num_frames] = val #print("\t\t\t\t{}: {}".format(j, val)) j+=1 if (j >= num_frames): break while (True): if (j >= num_frames): exit_loop = True break control = tada.read_i8() if control == 0x00: #curve[j if j < num_frames else num_frames] = val #print("\t\t\t\tControl: HOLDING FOR A FRAME") #print("\t\t\t\t{}: {}".format(j, val)) j+=1 if (j >= num_frames): break elif control == -0x7f: #print("\t\t\t\tControl: READING NEXT FRAME") break #get ready for new frame elif control == -0x80: num_skips = tada.read_u8() #print("\t\t\t\tControl: HOLDING FOR {} FRAMES".format(num_skips)) for _ in range(num_skips): j+=1 if (j >= num_frames): break else: val += mult * float(control) curve[j if j < num_frames else num_frames] = val #print("\t\t\t\t{}: {}".format(j, val)) j+=1 curve[num_frames - 1] = val tada.reset_pos() keyframes.append(curve) decompressed_anims[anim_crc][bone_hash] = keyframes return decompressed_anims def read_anims_file(anims_file_path): if not os.path.exists(anims_file_path): return None anims_text = "" with open(anims_file_path, 'r') as file: anims_text = splits = anims_text.split('"') if len(splits) > 1: return splits[1:-1:2] return None def extract_and_apply_munged_anim(input_file_path): with open(input_file_path,"rb") as input_file: discrete_curves = decompress_curves(input_file) anim_names = None if input_file_path.endswith(".zaabin"): anim_names = read_anims_file(input_file_path.replace(".zaabin", ".anims")) arma = if arma.type != 'ARMATURE': raise Exception("Select an armature to attach the imported animation to!") if arma.animation_data is not None: arma.animation_data_clear() arma.animation_data_create() bone_bind_poses = {} for bone in bone_obj =[] bone_obj_parent = bone_obj.parent bind_mat = bone_obj.matrix_local stack_mat = Matrix.Identity(4) while(True): if bone_obj_parent is None or in break bind_mat = bone_obj_parent.matrix_local @ bind_mat stack_mat = bone_obj_parent.matrix_local @ stack_mat bone_obj_parent = bone_obj_parent.parent bone_bind_poses[] = bind_mat.inverted() @ stack_mat for anim_crc in discrete_curves: anim_str = str(hex(anim_crc)) if anim_names is not None: for anim_name in anim_names: if anim_crc == crc(anim_name): anim_str = anim_name #if crc(anim_name) not in discrete_curves: # continue #print("\nExtracting anim: " + anim_crc_str) if anim_str in[anim_str].use_fake_user = False[anim_str]) action = action.use_fake_user = True anim_curves = discrete_curves[anim_crc] for bone in arma.pose.bones: bone_crc = crc( #print("\tGetting curves for bone: " + if bone_crc not in anim_curves: continue; bind_mat = bone_bind_poses[] loc_data_path = "pose.bones[\"{}\"].location".format( rot_data_path = "pose.bones[\"{}\"].rotation_quaternion".format( bone_curves = anim_curves[bone_crc] num_frames = max(bone_curves[0]) #print("\t\tNum frames: " + str(num_frames)) last_values = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] def get_quat(index): nonlocal bone_curves, last_values q = Quaternion() valmap = [1,2,3,0] #valmap = [0,1,2,3] has_key = False for i in range(4): curve = bone_curves[i] if index in curve: has_key = True last_values[i] = curve[index] q[valmap[i]] = last_values[i] return q if has_key else None def get_vec(index): nonlocal bone_curves, last_values v = Vector() has_key = False for i in range(4,7): curve = bone_curves[i] if index in curve: has_key = True last_values[i] = curve[index] v[i - 4] = last_values[i] return v if has_key else None fcurve_rot_w =, index=0, fcurve_rot_x =, index=1, fcurve_rot_y =, index=2, fcurve_rot_z =, index=3, fcurve_loc_x =, index=0, fcurve_loc_y =, index=1, fcurve_loc_z =, index=2, for frame in range(num_frames): q = get_quat(frame) if q is not None: q = (bind_mat @ convert_rotation_space(q).to_matrix().to_4x4()).to_quaternion() fcurve_rot_w.keyframe_points.insert(frame,q.w) fcurve_rot_x.keyframe_points.insert(frame,q.x) fcurve_rot_y.keyframe_points.insert(frame,q.y) fcurve_rot_z.keyframe_points.insert(frame,q.z) t = get_vec(frame) if t is not None: t = (bind_mat @ Matrix.Translation(convert_vector_space(t))).translation fcurve_loc_x.keyframe_points.insert(frame,t.x) fcurve_loc_y.keyframe_points.insert(frame,t.y) fcurve_loc_z.keyframe_points.insert(frame,t.z) arma.animation_data.action = action