""" Gathers the Blender objects from the current scene and returns them as a list of Model objects. """ import bpy import math from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple from itertools import zip_longest from .msh_model import * from .msh_model_utilities import * from .msh_utilities import * SKIPPED_OBJECT_TYPES = {"LATTICE", "CAMERA", "LIGHT", "SPEAKER", "LIGHT_PROBE"} MESH_OBJECT_TYPES = {"MESH", "CURVE", "SURFACE", "META", "FONT", "GPENCIL"} MAX_MSH_VERTEX_COUNT = 32767 def gather_models() -> List[Model]: """ Gathers the Blender objects from the current scene and returns them as a list of Model objects. """ depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() parents = create_parents_set() models_list: List[Model] = [] for uneval_obj in bpy.context.scene.objects: if uneval_obj.type in SKIPPED_OBJECT_TYPES and uneval_obj.name not in parents: continue obj = uneval_obj.evaluated_get(depsgraph) local_translation, local_rotation, _ = obj.matrix_local.decompose() model = Model() model.name = obj.name model.model_type = get_model_type(obj) model.hidden = get_is_model_hidden(obj) model.transform.rotation = convert_rotation_space(local_rotation) model.transform.translation = convert_vector_space(local_translation) if obj.parent is not None: model.parent = obj.parent.name if obj.type in MESH_OBJECT_TYPES: mesh = obj.to_mesh() model.geometry = create_mesh_geometry(mesh) obj.to_mesh_clear() _, _, world_scale = obj.matrix_world.decompose() world_scale = convert_scale_space(world_scale) scale_segments(world_scale, model.geometry) for segment in model.geometry: if len(segment.positions) > MAX_MSH_VERTEX_COUNT: raise RuntimeError(f"Object '{obj.name}' has resulted in a .msh geometry segment that has " f"more than {MAX_MSH_VERTEX_COUNT} vertices! Split the object's mesh up " f"and try again!") if get_is_collision_primitive(obj): model.collisionprimitive = get_collision_primitive(obj) models_list.append(model) return models_list def create_parents_set() -> Set[str]: """ Creates a set with the names of the Blender objects from the current scene that have at least one child. """ parents = set() for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects: if obj.parent is not None: parents.add(obj.parent.name) return parents def create_mesh_geometry(mesh: bpy.types.Mesh) -> List[GeometrySegment]: """ Creates a list of GeometrySegment objects from a Blender mesh. Does NOT create triangle strips in the GeometrySegment however. """ if mesh.has_custom_normals: mesh.calc_normals_split() mesh.validate_material_indices() mesh.calc_loop_triangles() material_count = max(len(mesh.materials), 1) segments: List[GeometrySegment] = [GeometrySegment() for i in range(material_count)] vertex_remap: List[Dict[Tuple(int, int), int]] = [dict() for i in range(material_count)] polygons: List[Set[int]] = [set() for i in range(material_count)] if mesh.vertex_colors.active is not None: for segment in segments: segment.colors = [] for segment, material in zip(segments, mesh.materials): segment.material_name = material.name def add_vertex(material_index: int, vertex_index: int, loop_index: int) -> int: nonlocal segments, vertex_remap segment = segments[material_index] remap = vertex_remap[material_index] if (vertex_index, loop_index) in remap: return remap[(vertex_index, loop_index)] new_index: int = len(segment.positions) remap[(vertex_index, loop_index)] = new_index segment.positions.append(convert_vector_space(mesh.vertices[vertex_index].co)) if mesh.has_custom_normals: segment.normals.append(convert_vector_space(mesh.loops[loop_index].normal)) else: segment.normals.append(convert_vector_space(mesh.vertices[vertex_index].normal)) if mesh.uv_layers.active is None: segment.texcoords.append(Vector((0.0, 0.0))) else: segment.texcoords.append(mesh.uv_layers.active.data[loop_index].uv.copy()) if segment.colors is not None: segment.colors.append([v for v in mesh.vertex_colors.active.data[loop_index].color]) return new_index for tri in mesh.loop_triangles: polygons[tri.material_index].add(tri.polygon_index) segments[tri.material_index].triangles.append([ add_vertex(tri.material_index, tri.vertices[0], tri.loops[0]), add_vertex(tri.material_index, tri.vertices[1], tri.loops[1]), add_vertex(tri.material_index, tri.vertices[2], tri.loops[2])]) for segment, remap, polys in zip(segments, vertex_remap, polygons): for poly_index in polys: poly = mesh.polygons[poly_index] segment.polygons.append([remap[(v, l)] for v, l in zip(poly.vertices, poly.loop_indices)]) return segments def get_model_type(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> ModelType: """ Get the ModelType for a Blender object. """ # TODO: Skinning support, etc if obj.type in MESH_OBJECT_TYPES: return ModelType.STATIC return ModelType.NULL def get_is_model_hidden(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> bool: """ Gets if a Blender object should be marked as hidden in the .msh file. """ name = obj.name.lower() if name.startswith("sv_"): return True if name.startswith("p_"): return True if name.startswith("collision"): return True if obj.type not in MESH_OBJECT_TYPES: return True return False def get_is_collision_primitive(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> bool: """ Gets if a Blender object represents a collision primitive. """ name = obj.name.lower() return name.startswith("p_") def get_collision_primitive(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> CollisionPrimitive: """ Gets the CollisionPrimitive of an object or raises an error if it can't. """ primitive = CollisionPrimitive() primitive.shape = get_collision_primitive_shape(obj) if primitive.shape == CollisionPrimitiveShape.SPHERE: # Tolerate a 5% difference to account for icospheres with 2 subdivisions. if not (math.isclose(obj.dimensions[0], obj.dimensions[1], rel_tol=0.05) and math.isclose(obj.dimensions[0], obj.dimensions[2], rel_tol=0.05)): raise RuntimeError(f"Object '{obj.name}' is being used as a sphere collision " f"primitive but it's dimensions are not uniform!") primitive.radius = max(obj.dimensions[0], obj.dimensions[1], obj.dimensions[2]) * 0.5 elif primitive.shape == CollisionPrimitiveShape.CYLINDER: if not math.isclose(obj.dimensions[0], obj.dimensions[1], rel_tol=0.001): raise RuntimeError(f"Object '{obj.name}' is being used as a cylinder collision " f"primitive but it's X and Y dimensions are not uniform!") primitive.radius = obj.dimensions[0] * 0.5 primitive.height = obj.dimensions[2] elif primitive.shape == CollisionPrimitiveShape.BOX: primitive.radius = obj.dimensions[0] * 0.5 primitive.height = obj.dimensions[2] * 0.5 primitive.length = obj.dimensions[1] * 0.5 return primitive def get_collision_primitive_shape(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> CollisionPrimitiveShape: """ Gets the CollisionPrimitiveShape of an object or raises an error if it can't. """ name = obj.name.lower() if "sphere" in name or "sphr" in name or "spr" in name: return CollisionPrimitiveShape.SPHERE if "cylinder" in name or "cyln" in name or "cyl" in name: return CollisionPrimitiveShape.CYLINDER if "box" in name or "cube" in name or "cuboid" in name: return CollisionPrimitiveShape.BOX raise RuntimeError(f"Object '{obj.name}' has no primitive type specified in it's name!") def convert_vector_space(vec: Vector) -> Vector: return Vector((-vec.x, vec.z, vec.y)) def convert_scale_space(vec: Vector) -> Vector: return Vector(vec.xzy) def convert_rotation_space(quat: Quaternion) -> Quaternion: return Quaternion((-quat.w, quat.x, -quat.z, -quat.y))