const socket = io(); socket.on('connect', function() { console.log("Websocket connected..."); }); // When true, moving the mouse updates coords const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); let isDragging = false; let runUpdate = false; let xLast = 0; let yLast = 0; let mod = 2; let px = 0; let py = 0; let x1 = 0; let y1 = 0; let x2 = 0; let y2 = 0; let m = undefined; // slope value canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', e => { onPress(e); }); canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', e => { onPress(e); }); canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', e => { onMoveing(e); }); canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', e => { onMoveing(e); }); canvas.addEventListener('touchend', e => { onRelease(e); }); canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', e => { onRelease(e); }); const onPress = (e) => { isDragging = true; runUpdate = true; xLast = e.offsetX; yLast = e.offsetY; updateText(xLast, yLast); } const onMoveing = (e) => { if (isDragging === true) { x1 = xLast; y1 = yLast; if (e.type === 'mousemove') { x2 = e.offsetX; y2 = e.offsetY; xLast = e.offsetX; yLast = e.offsetY; } else if (e.type === 'touchmove') { x2 = parseInt(e.touches[0].clientX, 10); y2 = parseInt(e.touches[0].clientY, 10); xLast = parseInt(e.touches[0].clientX, 10); yLast = parseInt(e.touches[0].clientY, 10); } // Calculate the delta of the points if (x2 > x1) { px = mod // Is growing } else { px = -mod // Is shrinking } if (y2 > y1) { py = mod // Is growing } else { py = -mod // Is shrinking } m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) if (m === undefined) { py = 0; } else if (!isFinite(m)) { px = 0; } if ( (m > 0.05 && m <= 1) && (m > -0.05 && m >= -1) ) { py = 0; } socket.emit('update_coords', x2 + "," + y2); } } const onRelease = (e) => { if (isDragging === true) { isDragging = false; mod = 2 xLast = 0; yLast = 0; px = 0; py = 0; updateText(px, py); } } const updateText = (x, y) => { const coordsTxt = "X coords: " + x + ", Y coords: " + y; document.getElementById("cordsText").innerText = coordsTxt; } // Click events document.getElementById("singleClickBtn").addEventListener('mouseup', e => { onSingleClick(e); }); document.getElementById("singleClickBtn").addEventListener('touchend', e => { onSingleClick(e); }); document.getElementById("doubleClickBtn").addEventListener('mouseup', e => { onDoubleClick(e); }); document.getElementById("doubleClickBtn").addEventListener('touchend', e => { onDoubleClick(e); }); const onSingleClick = (e) => { doAjax("/single-click", "ref=null", "singleClick"); } const onDoubleClick = (e) => { doAjax("/double-click", "ref=null", "doubleClick"); } // Key input events // document.getElementById("sendKeysField").addEventListener('input', e => { onSendKeys(e); }); // document.getElementById("sendKeysField").addEventListener('change', e => { onSendKeys(e); }); document.getElementById("sendKeysBtn").addEventListener('mouseup', e => { onSendKeys(e); }); document.getElementById("sendKeysBtn").addEventListener('touchend', e => { onSendKeys(e); }); const onSendKeys = (e) => { let target = document.getElementById("sendKeysField"); const text = target.value; doAjax("/send-key", "text=" + text, "sendKeys"); target.value = ""; }