#!/bin/bash # set -o xtrace ## To debug scripts # set -o errexit ## To exit on error # set -o errunset ## To exit if a variable is referenced but not set function main() { SCRIPTPATH="$( cd "$(dirname "")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )" cd "${SCRIPTPATH}" echo "Working Dir: " $(pwd) mkdir /tmp/apps echo "I can't get websocket socket to work with unix socket...." echo "So, this script doesn't really work and will be exited." return ; source "../venv/bin/activate" LOG_LEVEL=debug WORKER_COUNT=1 gunicorn wsgi:app --bind unix:/tmp/apps/remoteconn.sock \ -k eventlet \ -w $WORKER_COUNT \ --log-level $LOG_LEVEL } main $@;