#!/usr/bin/python3 # Python Imports from __future__ import division import cairo, psutil # GTK Imports from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import GLib class DrawSignals: def __init__(self, settings): self.settings = settings self.builder = self.settings.returnBuilder() self.drawArea = self.builder.get_object("drawArea") self.brushSizeProp = self.builder.get_object("brushSizeProp") self.brushColorProp = self.builder.get_object("brushColorProp") self.messageWidget = self.builder.get_object("messageWidget") self.messageLabel = self.builder.get_object("messageLabel") self.cpu_percents = [] self.doDrawBackground = False self.isDrawing = False self.surface = None self.aw = None # Draw area width self.ah = None # Draw area height self.xStep = None # For x-axis 60 sec steps self.yStep = None # For y-axis %s rgba = self.brushColorProp.get_rgba() self.brushColorVal = [rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue, rgba.alpha] self.brushSizeVal = self.brushSizeProp.get_value() self.updateSpeed = 100 # 1 sec = 1000ms self.success = "#88cc27" self.warning = "#ffa800" self.error = "#ff0000" self.good = [0.53, 0.8, 0.15, 1.0] self.warning = [1.0, 0.66, 0.0, 1.0] self.danger = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] # Note: y-axis on draw area goes from top to bottom when increasing. # Need to do the math such that you subtract from max height to start from bottom to go up # self.linePoints.append([1 * xStep, ah - (23 * yStep)]) # 23% # self.linePoints.append([2 * xStep, ah - (60 * yStep)]) # 60% # self.drawPointLine() # del self.linePoints[0:1] # self.linePoints.append([3 * xStep, ah - (44 * yStep)]) # 44% def updateCPUPoints(self): # Clears screen when enough points exist and unshifts the # first point to keep fixed range self.drawBackground(self.brush, self.aw, self.ah) del self.cpu_percents[0:1] precent = psutil.cpu_percent() self.cpu_percents.append(precent) self.drawPointLine() # Will re-draw every point self.drawArea.queue_draw() return True def drawPointLine(self): self.brush.set_line_width(self.brushSizeVal) self.brush.set_line_cap(1) # 0 = BUTT, 1 = ROUND, 2 = SQUARE oldX = 0.0 oldP = 0.0 i = 1 for p in self.cpu_percents: # set color depending on usage... rgba = self.brushColorVal if p > 50.0: rgba = self.warning if p > 85.0: rgba = self.danger self.brush.set_source_rgba(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]) # Movbe to prev. point if any if oldP is not 0.0 and oldX is not 0.0: x = oldX y = float(self.ah) - (oldP * self.yStep) self.brush.move_to(x, y) # Draw line to the new point from old point x2 = i * self.xStep y2 = float(self.ah) - (p * self.yStep) self.brush.line_to(x2, y2) self.brush.stroke() # Collect info to use as prev. pint oldX = x2 oldP = p i += 1 def onConfigure(self, area, eve, data = None): aw = area.get_allocated_width() ah = area.get_allocated_height() self.aw = aw self.ah = ah self.xStep = aw / 200 # For x-axis 60 * 2 per 1 sec steps self.yStep = ah / 100 # For y-axis %s self.surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, aw, ah) self.brush = cairo.Context(self.surface) self.drawBackground(self.brush, aw, ah) if not self.isDrawing: self.fillCPUPercents() self.startCPUGraph() self.isDrawing = True return False # Fill with y bank with 50%s def fillCPUPercents(self): self.cpu_percents = [50.0] * 198 # Draw background white def drawBackground(self, brush, aw, ah): brush.rectangle(0, 0, aw, ah) # x, y, width, height brush.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 1.0) # x, y, width, height if not self.doDrawBackground: # If transparent or white self.brush.set_operator(0); brush.fill() self.brush.set_operator(1); # reset the brush after filling bg... # Starting graph generation def startCPUGraph(self): GObject.timeout_add(self.updateSpeed, self.updateCPUPoints) def onDraw(self, area, brush): if self.surface is not None: brush.set_source_surface(self.surface, 0.0, 0.0) brush.paint() else: print("No surface info...") return False def onColorSet(self, widget): rgba = widget.get_rgba() self.brushColorVal = [rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue, rgba.alpha] def onBrushSizeChange(self, widget): self.brushSizeVal = self.brushSizeProp.get_value()