# Gtk imports import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') gi.require_version('Gdk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk as gtk from gi.repository import Gdk as gdk from gi.repository import GLib as glib from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf # Python imports import os, threading, time from os.path import isdir, isfile, join from os import listdir # Application imports from .Icon import Icon from utils.FileHandler import FileHandler def threaded(fn): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): threading.Thread(target=fn, args=args, kwargs=kwargs).start() return wrapper class Grid: def __init__(self, desktop, settings): self.desktop = desktop self.settings = settings self.fileHandler = FileHandler(self.settings) self.store = gtk.ListStore(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf, str) self.usrHome = settings.returnUserHome() self.builder = settings.returnBuilder() self.ColumnSize = settings.returnColumnSize() self.vidsList = settings.returnVidsFilter() self.imagesList = settings.returnImagesFilter() self.gtkLock = False # Thread checks for gtkLock self.threadLock = False # Gtk checks for thread lock self.helperThread = None # Helper thread object self.toWorkPool = [] # Thread fills pool and gtk empties it self.SelectedFiles = [] self.currentPath = "" self.desktop.set_model(self.store) self.desktop.set_pixbuf_column(0) self.desktop.set_text_column(1) self.desktop.connect("item-activated", self.iconDblLeftClick) self.desktop.connect("button_press_event", self.iconClickRight, (self.desktop,)) def setIconViewDir(self, path): self.store.clear() self.currentPath = path dirPaths = ['.', '..'] vids = [] images = [] desktop = [] files = [] for f in listdir(path): file = join(path, f) if self.settings.isHideHiddenFiles(): if f.startswith('.'): continue if isfile(file): if file.lower().endswith(self.vidsList): vids.append(f) elif file.lower().endswith(self.imagesList): images.append(f) elif file.lower().endswith((".desktop",)): desktop.append(f) else: files.append(f) else: dirPaths.append(f) dirPaths.sort() vids.sort() images.sort() desktop.sort() files.sort() files = dirPaths + vids + images + desktop + files if self.helperThread: self.helperThread.terminate() self.helperThread = None # Run helper thread... self.threadLock = True self.helperThread = threading.Thread(target=self.generateDirectoryGridIcon, args=(path, files)).start() glib.idle_add(self.addToGrid, (file,)) # This must stay in the main thread b/c # gtk isn't thread safe/aware So, we # make a sad lil thread hot potato 'game' # out of this process. # @threaded def generateDirectoryGridIcon(self, dirPath, files): # NOTE: We'll be passing pixbuf after retreval to keep Icon.py file more # universaly usable. We can just remove get_pixbuf to get a gtk.Image type for file in files: image = Icon(self.settings).createIcon(dirPath, file) self.toWorkPool.append([image.get_pixbuf(), file]) self.threadLock = False self.gtkLock = True def addToGrid(self, args): # NOTE: Returning true tells gtk to check again in the future when idle. # False ends checks and "continues normal flow" files = args[0] if len(self.toWorkPool) > 0: for dataSet in self.toWorkPool: self.store.append(dataSet) if len(self.store) == len(files): # Confirm processed all files and cleanup self.gtkLock = False self.threadLock = False self.toWorkPool.clear() return False # Check again when idle; If nothing else is updating, this function # gets called immediatly. So, we play hot potato by setting lock to Thread else: self.toWorkPool.clear() self.gtkLock = False self.threadLock = True time.sleep(.005) # Fixes refresh and up icon not being added. return True def iconDblLeftClick(self, widget, item): try: model = widget.get_model() fileName = model[item][1] dir = self.currentPath file = dir + "/" + fileName if fileName == ".": self.setIconViewDir(dir) elif fileName == "..": parentDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir, os.pardir)) self.currentPath = parentDir self.setIconViewDir(parentDir) elif isdir(file): self.currentPath = file self.setIconViewDir(self.currentPath) elif isfile(file): self.fileHandler.openFile(file) except Exception as e: print(e) def iconClickRight(self, widget, eve, rclicked_icon): try: if eve.type == gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS and eve.button == 3: input = self.builder.get_object("iconRenameInput") controls = self.builder.get_object("iconControlsWindow") items = widget.get_selected_items() model = widget.get_model() self.SelectedFiles.clear() if len(items) == 1: fileName = model[items[0]][1] dir = self.currentPath file = dir + "/" + fileName self.SelectedFiles.append(file) # Used for return to caller input.set_text(fileName) controls.show_all() elif len(items) > 1: dir = self.currentPath for item in items: fileName = model[item][1] file = dir + "/" + fileName self.SelectedFiles.append(file) # Used for return to caller input.set_text("") input.hide() controls.show() except Exception as e: print(e) def returnSelectedFiles(self): return self.SelectedFiles def returnCurrentPath(self): return self.currentPath