def to_type(o, new_type): ''' Helper funciton that receives an object or a dict and convert it to a new given type. :param object|dict o: The object to convert :param Type new_type: The type to convert to. ''' if new_type == type(o): return o else: return new_type(**o) class Position(object): def __init__(self, line, character): """ Constructs a new Position instance. :param int line: Line position in a document (zero-based). :param int character: Character offset on a line in a document (zero-based). """ self.line = line self.character = character class Range(object): def __init__(self, start, end): """ Constructs a new Range instance. :param Position start: The range's start position. :param Position end: The range's end position. """ self.start = to_type(start, Position) self.end = to_type(end, Position) class Location(object): """ Represents a location inside a resource, such as a line inside a text file. """ def __init__(self, uri, range): """ Constructs a new Range instance. :param str uri: Resource file. :param Range range: The range inside the file """ self.uri = uri self.range = to_type(range, Range) class Diagnostic(object): def __init__(self, range, severity, code, source, message, relatedInformation): """ Constructs a new Diagnostic instance. :param Range range: The range at which the message applies.Resource file. :param int severity: The diagnostic's severity. Can be omitted. If omitted it is up to the client to interpret diagnostics as error, warning, info or hint. :param str code: The diagnostic's code, which might appear in the user interface. :param str source: A human-readable string describing the source of this diagnostic, e.g. 'typescript' or 'super lint'. :param str message: The diagnostic's message. :param list relatedInformation: An array of related diagnostic information, e.g. when symbol-names within a scope collide all definitions can be marked via this property. """ self.range = range self.severity = severity self.code = code self.source = source self.message = message self.relatedInformation = relatedInformation class DiagnosticSeverity(object): Error = 1 Warning = 2 # TODO: warning is known in python Information = 3 Hint = 4 class DiagnosticRelatedInformation(object): def __init__(self, location, message): """ Constructs a new Diagnostic instance. :param Location location: The location of this related diagnostic information. :param str message: The message of this related diagnostic information. """ self.location = location self.message = message class Command(object): def __init__(self, title, command, arguments): """ Constructs a new Diagnostic instance. :param str title: Title of the command, like `save`. :param str command: The identifier of the actual command handler. :param list argusments: Arguments that the command handler should be invoked with. """ self.title = title self.command = command self.arguments = arguments class TextDocumentItem(object): """ An item to transfer a text document from the client to the server. """ def __init__(self, uri, languageId, version, text): """ Constructs a new Diagnostic instance. :param DocumentUri uri: Title of the command, like `save`. :param str languageId: The identifier of the actual command handler. :param int version: Arguments that the command handler should be invoked with. :param str text: Arguments that the command handler should be invoked with. """ self.uri = uri self.languageId = languageId self.version = version self.text = text class TextDocumentIdentifier(object): """ Text documents are identified using a URI. On the protocol level, URIs are passed as strings. """ def __init__(self, uri): """ Constructs a new TextDocumentIdentifier instance. :param DocumentUri uri: The text document's URI. """ self.uri = uri class TextDocumentPositionParams(object): """ A parameter literal used in requests to pass a text document and a position inside that document. """ def __init__(self, textDocument, position): """ Constructs a new TextDocumentPositionParams instance. :param TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument: The text document. :param Position position: The position inside the text document. """ self.textDocument = textDocument self.position = position class LANGUAGE_IDENTIFIER: BAT="bat" BIBTEX="bibtex" CLOJURE="clojure" COFFESCRIPT="coffeescript" C="c" CPP="cpp" CSHARP="csharp" CSS="css" DIFF="diff" DOCKERFILE="dockerfile" FSHARP="fsharp" GIT_COMMIT="git-commit" GIT_REBASE="git-rebase" GO="go" GROOVY="groovy" HANDLEBARS="handlebars" HTML="html" INI="ini" JAVA="java" JAVASCRIPT="javascript" JSON="json" LATEX="latex" LESS="less" LUA="lua" MAKEFILE="makefile" MARKDOWN="markdown" OBJECTIVE_C="objective-c" OBJECTIVE_CPP="objective-cpp" Perl="perl" PHP="php" POWERSHELL="powershell" PUG="jade" PYTHON="python" R="r" RAZOR="razor" RUBY="ruby" RUST="rust" SASS="sass" SCSS="scss" ShaderLab="shaderlab" SHELL_SCRIPT="shellscript" SQL="sql" SWIFT="swift" TYPE_SCRIPT="typescript" TEX="tex" VB="vb" XML="xml" XSL="xsl" YAML="yaml" class SymbolKind(object): File = 1 Module = 2 Namespace = 3 Package = 4 Class = 5 Method = 6 Property = 7 Field = 8 Constructor = 9 Enum = 10 Interface = 11 Function = 12 Variable = 13 Constant = 14 String = 15 Number = 16 Boolean = 17 Array = 18 Object = 19 Key = 20 Null = 21 EnumMember = 22 Struct = 23 Event = 24 Operator = 25 TypeParameter = 26 class SymbolInformation(object): """ Represents information about programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc. """ def __init__(self, name, kind, location, containerName, deprecated=False): """ Constructs a new SymbolInformation instance. :param str name: The name of this symbol. :param int kind: The kind of this symbol. :param bool Location: The location of this symbol. The location's range is used by a tool to reveal the location in the editor. If the symbol is selected in the tool the range's start information is used to position the cursor. So the range usually spans more then the actual symbol's name and does normally include things like visibility modifiers. The range doesn't have to denote a node range in the sense of a abstract syntax tree. It can therefore not be used to re-construct a hierarchy of the symbols. :param str containerName: The name of the symbol containing this symbol. This information is for user interface purposes (e.g. to render a qualifier in the user interface if necessary). It can't be used to re-infer a hierarchy for the document symbols. :param bool deprecated: Indicates if this symbol is deprecated. """ = name self.kind = kind self.deprecated = deprecated self.location = to_type(location, Location) self.containerName = containerName class ParameterInformation(object): """ Represents a parameter of a callable-signature. A parameter can have a label and a doc-comment. """ def __init__(self, label, documentation=""): """ Constructs a new ParameterInformation instance. :param str label: The label of this parameter. Will be shown in the UI. :param str documentation: The human-readable doc-comment of this parameter. Will be shown in the UI but can be omitted. """ self.label = label self.documentation = documentation class SignatureInformation(object): """ Represents the signature of something callable. A signature can have a label, like a function-name, a doc-comment, and a set of parameters. """ def __init__(self, label, documentation="", parameters=[]): """ Constructs a new SignatureInformation instance. :param str label: The label of this signature. Will be shown in the UI. :param str documentation: The human-readable doc-comment of this signature. Will be shown in the UI but can be omitted. :param ParameterInformation[] parameters: The parameters of this signature. """ self.label = label self.documentation = documentation self.parameters = [to_type(parameter, ParameterInformation) for parameter in parameters] class SignatureHelp(object): """ Signature help represents the signature of something callable. There can be multiple signature but only one active and only one active parameter. """ def __init__(self, signatures, activeSignature=0, activeParameter=0): """ Constructs a new SignatureHelp instance. :param SignatureInformation[] signatures: One or more signatures. :param int activeSignature: :param int activeParameter: """ self.signatures = [to_type(signature, SignatureInformation) for signature in signatures] self.activeSignature = activeSignature self.activeParameter = activeParameter