#!/bin/bash # . CONFIG.sh # set -o xtrace ## To debug scripts # set -o errexit ## To exit on error # set -o errunset ## To exit if a variable is referenced but not set function main() { clear BACKUPDIR="${HOME}/Downloads/Linux-Profile" echo "Backing up to: " ${BACKUPDIR} rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR} mkdir ${BACKUPDIR} # Dirs echo "Backing up .config/ ..." cp -r ${HOME}/.config/ ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .screenlayout/ ..." cp -r ${HOME}/.screenlayout/ ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .themes/ ..." cp -r ${HOME}/.themes/ ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .icons/ ..." cp -r ${HOME}/.icons/ ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .devilspie* ..." cp -r ${HOME}/.devilspie* ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .mplayer/ ..." cp -r ${HOME}/.mplayer/ ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .atom/ ..." cp -r ${HOME}/.atom/ ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .qjoypad3/ ..." cp -r ${HOME}/.qjoypad3/ ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .local/share/applications/ ..." cp -r ${HOME}/.local/share/applications/ ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .local/share/fonts/ ..." cp -r ${HOME}/.local/share/fonts/ ${BACKUPDIR} # Files echo "Backing up .bash files..." cp ${HOME}/.bash* ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .start script..." cp ${HOME}/.start ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .gtk files..." cp ${HOME}/.gtk* ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .animatedBGstarter scripts..." cp ${HOME}/.animatedBGstarter*.sh ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .greetings.mp3 sound..." cp ${HOME}/.greetings.mp3 ${BACKUPDIR} echo "Backing up .vim files..." cp ${HOME}/.vim* ${BACKUPDIR} # Remove undesirables echo "Removing undesirables..." rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/Atom rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/Code rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/aseprite rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/blender rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/discord rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/SpiderOakONE rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/streamio rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/VirtualBox rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/retroarch/cheats rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/.apm rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/blob-store rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/.gitignore rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/nohup.out rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/recovery rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/storage rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/.atom-socket-secret-abaddon-* rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/compile-cache rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/github.cson rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/.node-gyp rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/packages find ${BACKUPDIR} -name "*Cache*" -exec rm -rf $1 {} \; find ${BACKUPDIR} -name "*cache*" -exec rm -rf $1 {} \; find ${BACKUPDIR} -name "*.log" -exec rm -rf $1 {} \; } main $@;