#!/bin/bash # dependencies: mpv youtube-dl fzf rofi/dmenu gnu-grep # NOTE: if you dont have gnu grep you can replace grep with rg # explain usage function usage () { echo "usage: yt" echo " -h help" echo " -c channels/subscriptions" echo " -s query search" echo " -g / -r gui mode (rofi/dmenu)" echo " -m music mode (audio only) [dont use with -r]" echo " nothing use defaults (search from prompt)" echo echo "add channel names to the file $sublistpath to show them" echo "in yt -c option. First word should be channel url, optionally" echo "followed by tab and then anything else (channel name/description)" echo "channels not in sublist can be viewed by typing their url in the prompt" echo echo "example file format:" echo "markrober Mark Rober" echo "vsauce1 VSauce Michael Steven's Channel" echo "BlackGryph0n Black Gryph0n Gabriel Brown signs stuff" echo "TomScottGo Tom Scott" echo "danielthrasher Daniel Thrasher" exit 0 } # dont use defaults useDefaults="f" # no args -> use defaults if [[ ${#} -eq 0 ]]; then useDefaults="t" fi # available flags optstring=":s:cgrhm" defcmd="fzf" defaction="s" guicmd="rofi -dmenu -i" #uncomment next line for dmenu #guicmd="dmenu -i -l 15" #Defaults promptcmd="$defcmd" action="$defaction" isGui="f" query="" mpv_options="" # subscription list mkdir -p "${HOME:-}/.config/yt" sublistpath="${HOME:-}/.config/yt/sublist" sublist="" [ -f "$sublistpath" ] && sublist=$(cat "$sublistpath") # if not using defaults search for flags if [[ $useDefaults = "f" ]]; then while getopts ${optstring} arg; do case "${arg}" in s) # search in youtube for a query action="s" query="${OPTARG}" ;; c) # search in subscriptions for specific channel action="c" query="${OPTARG}" ;; g|r) # set gui mode to true and change the prompt to gui prompt isGui="t" promptcmd="$guicmd" ;; m) # make the mpv headless mpv_options+="--no-video" ;; h) # display help / usage usage ;; \?) # wrong args -> exit with explanation of usage echo "invalid option: -${OPTARG}" echo usage exit 1 ;; :) # missing args -> exit with explanation of usage echo "Option -${OPTARG} needs an argument" echo usage exit 1 ;; esac done fi # if no query is set with flags then ask for one if [ -z "$query" ]; then # ask for a channel if [[ $action = "c" ]]; then # if in gui mode use gui prompt if [[ $isGui = "t" ]]; then query=$($promptcmd -p "Channel: " <<< "$sublist") promptcmd="$promptcmd -p Video:" else query=$($promptcmd --print-query <<< "$sublist" | tail -n1) fi query=$(echo "$query" | awk '{print $1}') else # ask for a query # if in gui mode use gui prompt if [[ $isGui = "t" ]]; then query=$(echo | $promptcmd -p "Search: ") promptcmd="$promptcmd -p Video:" else echo -n "Search: " read -r query fi fi fi # program cancelled -> exit if [ -z "$query" ]; then exit; fi # clean query / channel query=$(sed \ -e 's|+|%2B|g'\ -e 's|#|%23|g'\ -e 's|&|%26|g'\ -e 's| |+|g' <<< "$query") # if channel look for channel vids if [[ $action = "c" ]]; then response=$(curl -s "https://www.youtube.com/c/$query/videos" |\ sed "s/{\"gridVideoRenderer/\n\n&/g" |\ sed "s/}]}}}]}}/&\n\n/g" |\ awk -v ORS="\n\n" '/gridVideoRenderer/') # if unable to fetch the youtube results page, inform and exit if ! grep -q "gridVideoRenderer" <<< "$response"; then echo "unable to fetch yt"; exit 1; fi # regex expression to match video entries from yt channel page # get the list of videos and their ids to ids ids=$(awk -F '[""]' '{print $6 "\t" $50;}' <<< "$response" | grep "^\S") # url prefix for videos videolink="https://youtu.be/" # prompt the results to user infinitely until they exit (escape) while true; do choice=$(echo -e "$ids" | cut -d' ' -f2 | $promptcmd) # dont show id if [ -z "$choice" ]; then exit; fi # if esc-ed then exit id=$(echo -e "$ids" | grep -Fwm1 "$choice" | cut -d' ' -f1) # get id of choice echo -e "$choice\t($id)" case $id in ???????????) mpv "$videolink$id" "$mpv_options" ;; *) exit ;; esac done else # if in search show query result vids response="$(curl -s "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=$query" |\ sed 's|\\.||g')" # if unable to fetch the youtube results page, inform and exit if ! grep -q "script" <<< "$response"; then echo "unable to fetch yt"; exit 1; fi # regex expression to match video and playlist entries from yt result page vgrep='"videoRenderer":{"videoId":"\K.{11}".+?"text":".+?[^\\](?=")' pgrep='"playlistRenderer":{"playlistId":"\K.{34}?","title":{"simpleText":".+?[^\"](?=")' # grep the id and title # return them in format id (type) title getresults() { grep -oP "$1" <<< "$response" |\ awk -F\" -v p="$2" '{ print $1 "\t" p " " $NF}' } # get the list of videos/playlists and their ids in videoids and playlistids videoids=$(getresults "$vgrep") playlistids=$(getresults "$pgrep" "(playlist)") # if there are playlists or videos, append them to list [ -n "$playlistids" ] && ids="$playlistids\n" [ -n "$videoids" ] && ids="$ids$videoids" # url prefix for videos and playlists videolink="https://youtu.be/" playlink="https://youtube.com/playlist?list=" # prompt the results to user infinitely until they exit (escape) while true; do choice=$(echo -e "$ids" | cut -d' ' -f2 | $promptcmd) # dont show id if [ -z "$choice" ]; then exit; fi # if esc-ed then exit id=$(echo -e "$ids" | grep -Fwm1 "$choice" | cut -d' ' -f1) # get id of choice echo -e "$choice\t($id)" case $id in # 11 digit id = video ???????????) mpv "$videolink$id" "$mpv_options" ;; # 34 digit id = playlist ??????????????????????????????????) mpv "$playlink$id" "$mpv_options" ;; *) exit ;; esac done fi