from .speg import peg import re, sys if sys.version_info[0] == 2: _chr = unichr else: _chr = chr def load(fin): return loads( def loads(s): if isinstance(s, bytes): s = s.decode('utf-8') if s.startswith(u'\ufeff'): s = s[1:] return peg(s.replace('\r\n', '\n'), _p_root) def _p_ws(p): p('[ \t]*') def _p_nl(p): p(r'([ \t]*(?:#[^\n]*)?\r?\n)+') def _p_ews(p): with p: p(_p_nl) p(_p_ws) def _p_id(p): return p(r'[$a-zA-Z_][$0-9a-zA-Z_]*') _escape_table = { 'r': '\r', 'n': '\n', 't': '\t', 'f': '\f', 'b': '\b', } def _p_unescape(p): esc = p('\\\\(?:u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|[^\n])') if esc[1] == 'u': return _chr(int(esc[2:], 16)) return _escape_table.get(esc[1:], esc[1:]) _re_indent = re.compile(r'[ \t]*') def _p_block_str(p, c): p(r'{c}{c}{c}'.format(c=c)) lines = [['']] with p: while True: s = p(r'(?:{c}(?!{c}{c})|[^{c}\\])*'.format(c=c)) l = s.split('\n') lines[-1].append(l[0]) lines.extend([x] for x in l[1:]) if p(r'(?:\\\n[ \t]*)*'): continue p.commit() lines[-1].append(p(_p_unescape)) p(r'{c}{c}{c}'.format(c=c)) lines = [''.join(l) for l in lines] strip_ws = len(lines) > 1 if strip_ws and all(c in ' \t' for c in lines[-1]): lines.pop() indent = None for line in lines[1:]: if not line: continue if indent is None: indent = _re_indent.match(line).group(0) continue for i, (c1, c2) in enumerate(zip(indent, line)): if c1 != c2: indent = indent[:i] break ind_len = len(indent or '') if strip_ws and all(c in ' \t' for c in lines[0]): lines = [line[ind_len:] for line in lines[1:]] else: lines[1:] = [line[ind_len:] for line in lines[1:]] return '\n'.join(lines) _re_mstr_nl = re.compile(r'(?:[ \t]*\n)+[ \t]*') _re_mstr_trailing_nl = re.compile(_re_mstr_nl.pattern + r'\Z') def _p_multiline_str(p, c): p('{c}(?!{c}{c})(?:[ \t]*\n[ \t]*)?'.format(c=c)) string_parts = [] with p: while True: string_parts.append(p(r'[^{c}\\]*'.format(c=c))) if p(r'(?:\\\n[ \t]*)*'): string_parts.append('') continue p.commit() string_parts.append(p(_p_unescape)) p(c) string_parts[-1] = _re_mstr_trailing_nl.sub('', string_parts[-1]) string_parts[::2] = [_re_mstr_nl.sub(' ', part) for part in string_parts[::2]] return ''.join(string_parts) def _p_string(p): with p: return p(_p_block_str, '"') with p: return p(_p_block_str, "'") with p: return p(_p_multiline_str, '"') return p(_p_multiline_str, "'") def _p_array_value(p): with p: p(_p_nl) return p(_p_object) with p: p(_p_ws) return p(_p_line_object) p(_p_ews) return p(_p_simple_value) def _p_key(p): with p: return p(_p_id) return p(_p_string) def _p_flow_kv(p): k = p(_p_key) p(_p_ews) p(':') with p: p(_p_nl) return k, p(_p_object) with p: p(_p_ws) return k, p(_p_line_object) p(_p_ews) return k, p(_p_simple_value) def _p_flow_obj_sep(p): with p: p(_p_ews) p(',') p(_p_ews) return p(_p_nl) p(_p_ws) def _p_simple_value(p): with p: p('null') return None with p: p('false') return False with p: p('true') return True with p: return int(p('0b[01]+')[2:], 2) with p: return int(p('0o[0-7]+')[2:], 8) with p: return int(p('0x[0-9a-fA-F]+')[2:], 16) with p: return float(p(r'-?(?:[1-9][0-9]*|0)?\.[0-9]+(?:[Ee][\+-]?[0-9]+)?|(?:[1-9][0-9]*|0)(?:\.[0-9]+)?[Ee][\+-]?[0-9]+')) with p: return int(p('-?[1-9][0-9]*|0'), 10) with p: return p(_p_string) with p: p(r'\[') r = [] with p: p.set('I', '') r.append(p(_p_array_value)) with p: while True: with p: p(_p_ews) p(',') rr = p(_p_array_value) if not p: p(_p_nl) with p: rr = p(_p_object) if not p: p(_p_ews) rr = p(_p_simple_value) r.append(rr) p.commit() with p: p(_p_ews) p(',') p(_p_ews) p(r'\]') return r p(r'\{') r = {} p(_p_ews) with p: p.set('I', '') k, v = p(_p_flow_kv) r[k] = v with p: while True: p(_p_flow_obj_sep) k, v = p(_p_flow_kv) r[k] = v p.commit() p(_p_ews) with p: p(',') p(_p_ews) p(r'\}') return r def _p_line_kv(p): k = p(_p_key) p(_p_ws) p(':') p(_p_ws) with p: p(_p_nl) p(p.get('I')) return k, p(_p_indented_object) with p: return k, p(_p_line_object) with p: return k, p(_p_simple_value) p(_p_nl) p(p.get('I')) p('[ \t]') p(_p_ws) return k, p(_p_simple_value) def _p_line_object(p): k, v = p(_p_line_kv) r = { k: v } with p: while True: p(_p_ws) p(',') p(_p_ws) k, v = p(_p_line_kv) r[k] = v # uniqueness p.commit() return r def _p_object(p): p.set('I', p.get('I') + p('[ \t]*')) r = p(_p_line_object) with p: while True: p(_p_ws) with p: p(',') p(_p_nl) p(p.get('I')) rr = p(_p_line_object) r.update(rr) # unqueness p.commit() return r def _p_indented_object(p): p.set('I', p.get('I') + p('[ \t]')) return p(_p_object) def _p_root(p): with p: p(_p_nl) with p: p.set('I', '') r = p(_p_object) p(_p_ws) with p: p(',') if not p: p(_p_ws) r = p(_p_simple_value) p(_p_ews) p(p.eof) return r