# Python Markdown # A Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown. # Documentation: https://python-markdown.github.io/ # GitHub: https://github.com/Python-Markdown/markdown/ # PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/Markdown/ # Started by Manfred Stienstra (http://www.dwerg.net/). # Maintained for a few years by Yuri Takhteyev (http://www.freewisdom.org). # Currently maintained by Waylan Limberg (https://github.com/waylan), # Dmitry Shachnev (https://github.com/mitya57) and Isaac Muse (https://github.com/facelessuser). # Copyright 2007-2023 The Python Markdown Project (v. 1.7 and later) # Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 Yuri Takhteyev (v. 0.2-1.6b) # Copyright 2004 Manfred Stienstra (the original version) # License: BSD (see LICENSE.md for details). """ This module imports a copy of [`html.parser.HTMLParser`][] and modifies it heavily through monkey-patches. A copy is imported rather than the module being directly imported as this ensures that the user can import and use the unmodified library for their own needs. """ from __future__ import annotations import re import importlib.util import sys # Import a copy of the html.parser lib as `htmlparser` so we can monkeypatch it. # Users can still do `from html import parser` and get the default behavior. spec = importlib.util.find_spec('html.parser') htmlparser = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(htmlparser) sys.modules['htmlparser'] = htmlparser # Monkeypatch `HTMLParser` to only accept `?>` to close Processing Instructions. htmlparser.piclose = re.compile(r'\?>') # Monkeypatch `HTMLParser` to only recognize entity references with a closing semicolon. htmlparser.entityref = re.compile(r'&([a-zA-Z][-.a-zA-Z0-9]*);') # Monkeypatch `HTMLParser` to no longer support partial entities. We are always feeding a complete block, # so the 'incomplete' functionality is unnecessary. As the `entityref` regex is run right before incomplete, # and the two regex are the same, then incomplete will simply never match and we avoid the logic within. htmlparser.incomplete = htmlparser.entityref # Monkeypatch `HTMLParser` to not accept a backtick in a tag name, attribute name, or bare value. htmlparser.locatestarttagend_tolerant = re.compile(r""" <[a-zA-Z][^`\t\n\r\f />\x00]* # tag name <= added backtick here (?:[\s/]* # optional whitespace before attribute name (?:(?<=['"\s/])[^`\s/>][^\s/=>]* # attribute name <= added backtick here (?:\s*=+\s* # value indicator (?:'[^']*' # LITA-enclosed value |"[^"]*" # LIT-enclosed value |(?!['"])[^`>\s]* # bare value <= added backtick here ) (?:\s*,)* # possibly followed by a comma )?(?:\s|/(?!>))* )* )? \s* # trailing whitespace """, re.VERBOSE) # Match a blank line at the start of a block of text (two newlines). # The newlines may be preceded by additional whitespace. blank_line_re = re.compile(r'^([ ]*\n){2}') class HTMLExtractor(htmlparser.HTMLParser): """ Extract raw HTML from text. The raw HTML is stored in the [`htmlStash`][markdown.util.HtmlStash] of the [`Markdown`][markdown.Markdown] instance passed to `md` and the remaining text is stored in `cleandoc` as a list of strings. """ def __init__(self, md, *args, **kwargs): if 'convert_charrefs' not in kwargs: kwargs['convert_charrefs'] = False # Block tags that should contain no content (self closing) self.empty_tags = set(['hr']) self.lineno_start_cache = [0] # This calls self.reset super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.md = md def reset(self): """Reset this instance. Loses all unprocessed data.""" self.inraw = False self.intail = False self.stack = [] # When `inraw==True`, stack contains a list of tags self._cache = [] self.cleandoc = [] self.lineno_start_cache = [0] super().reset() def close(self): """Handle any buffered data.""" super().close() if len(self.rawdata): # Temp fix for https://bugs.python.org/issue41989 # TODO: remove this when the bug is fixed in all supported Python versions. if self.convert_charrefs and not self.cdata_elem: # pragma: no cover self.handle_data(htmlparser.unescape(self.rawdata)) else: self.handle_data(self.rawdata) # Handle any unclosed tags. if len(self._cache): self.cleandoc.append(self.md.htmlStash.store(''.join(self._cache))) self._cache = [] @property def line_offset(self) -> int: """Returns char index in `self.rawdata` for the start of the current line. """ for ii in range(len(self.lineno_start_cache)-1, self.lineno-1): last_line_start_pos = self.lineno_start_cache[ii] lf_pos = self.rawdata.find('\n', last_line_start_pos) if lf_pos == -1: # No more newlines found. Use end of raw data as start of line beyond end. lf_pos = len(self.rawdata) self.lineno_start_cache.append(lf_pos+1) return self.lineno_start_cache[self.lineno-1] def at_line_start(self) -> bool: """ Returns True if current position is at start of line. Allows for up to three blank spaces at start of line. """ if self.offset == 0: return True if self.offset > 3: return False # Confirm up to first 3 chars are whitespace return self.rawdata[self.line_offset:self.line_offset + self.offset].strip() == '' def get_endtag_text(self, tag: str) -> str: """ Returns the text of the end tag. If it fails to extract the actual text from the raw data, it builds a closing tag with `tag`. """ # Attempt to extract actual tag from raw source text start = self.line_offset + self.offset m = htmlparser.endendtag.search(self.rawdata, start) if m: return self.rawdata[start:m.end()] else: # pragma: no cover # Failed to extract from raw data. Assume well formed and lowercase. return ''.format(tag) def handle_starttag(self, tag: str, attrs: list[tuple[str, str]]): # Handle tags that should always be empty and do not specify a closing tag if tag in self.empty_tags: self.handle_startendtag(tag, attrs) return if self.md.is_block_level(tag) and (self.intail or (self.at_line_start() and not self.inraw)): # Started a new raw block. Prepare stack. self.inraw = True self.cleandoc.append('\n') text = self.get_starttag_text() if self.inraw: self.stack.append(tag) self._cache.append(text) else: self.cleandoc.append(text) if tag in self.CDATA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS: # This is presumably a standalone tag in a code span (see #1036). self.clear_cdata_mode() def handle_endtag(self, tag: str): text = self.get_endtag_text(tag) if self.inraw: self._cache.append(text) if tag in self.stack: # Remove tag from stack while self.stack: if self.stack.pop() == tag: break if len(self.stack) == 0: # End of raw block. if blank_line_re.match(self.rawdata[self.line_offset + self.offset + len(text):]): # Preserve blank line and end of raw block. self._cache.append('\n') else: # More content exists after `endtag`. self.intail = True # Reset stack. self.inraw = False self.cleandoc.append(self.md.htmlStash.store(''.join(self._cache))) # Insert blank line between this and next line. self.cleandoc.append('\n\n') self._cache = [] else: self.cleandoc.append(text) def handle_data(self, data: str): if self.intail and '\n' in data: self.intail = False if self.inraw: self._cache.append(data) else: self.cleandoc.append(data) def handle_empty_tag(self, data: str, is_block: bool): """ Handle empty tags (``). """ if self.inraw or self.intail: # Append this to the existing raw block self._cache.append(data) elif self.at_line_start() and is_block: # Handle this as a standalone raw block if blank_line_re.match(self.rawdata[self.line_offset + self.offset + len(data):]): # Preserve blank line after tag in raw block. data += '\n' else: # More content exists after tag. self.intail = True item = self.cleandoc[-1] if self.cleandoc else '' # If we only have one newline before block element, add another if not item.endswith('\n\n') and item.endswith('\n'): self.cleandoc.append('\n') self.cleandoc.append(self.md.htmlStash.store(data)) # Insert blank line between this and next line. self.cleandoc.append('\n\n') else: self.cleandoc.append(data) def handle_startendtag(self, tag: str, attrs: list[tuple[str, str]]): self.handle_empty_tag(self.get_starttag_text(), is_block=self.md.is_block_level(tag)) def handle_charref(self, name: str): self.handle_empty_tag('&#{};'.format(name), is_block=False) def handle_entityref(self, name: str): self.handle_empty_tag('&{};'.format(name), is_block=False) def handle_comment(self, data: str): self.handle_empty_tag(''.format(data), is_block=True) def handle_decl(self, data: str): self.handle_empty_tag(''.format(data), is_block=True) def handle_pi(self, data: str): self.handle_empty_tag(''.format(data), is_block=True) def unknown_decl(self, data: str): end = ']]>' if data.startswith('CDATA[') else ']>' self.handle_empty_tag(' int: if self.at_line_start() or self.intail: return super().parse_pi(i) # This is not the beginning of a raw block so treat as plain data # and avoid consuming any tags which may follow (see #1066). self.handle_data(' int: if self.at_line_start() or self.intail: return super().parse_html_declaration(i) # This is not the beginning of a raw block so treat as plain data # and avoid consuming any tags which may follow (see #1066). self.handle_data(' str: """Return full source of start tag: `<...>`.""" return self.__starttag_text def parse_starttag(self, i: int) -> int: # pragma: no cover self.__starttag_text = None endpos = self.check_for_whole_start_tag(i) if endpos < 0: return endpos rawdata = self.rawdata self.__starttag_text = rawdata[i:endpos] # Now parse the data between `i+1` and `j` into a tag and `attrs` attrs = [] match = htmlparser.tagfind_tolerant.match(rawdata, i+1) assert match, 'unexpected call to parse_starttag()' k = match.end() self.lasttag = tag = match.group(1).lower() while k < endpos: m = htmlparser.attrfind_tolerant.match(rawdata, k) if not m: break attrname, rest, attrvalue = m.group(1, 2, 3) if not rest: attrvalue = None elif attrvalue[:1] == '\'' == attrvalue[-1:] or \ attrvalue[:1] == '"' == attrvalue[-1:]: # noqa: E127 attrvalue = attrvalue[1:-1] if attrvalue: attrvalue = htmlparser.unescape(attrvalue) attrs.append((attrname.lower(), attrvalue)) k = m.end() end = rawdata[k:endpos].strip() if end not in (">", "/>"): lineno, offset = self.getpos() if "\n" in self.__starttag_text: lineno = lineno + self.__starttag_text.count("\n") offset = len(self.__starttag_text) \ - self.__starttag_text.rfind("\n") # noqa: E127 else: offset = offset + len(self.__starttag_text) self.handle_data(rawdata[i:endpos]) return endpos if end.endswith('/>'): # XHTML-style empty tag: `` self.handle_startendtag(tag, attrs) else: # *** set `cdata_mode` first so we can override it in `handle_starttag` (see #1036) *** if tag in self.CDATA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS: self.set_cdata_mode(tag) self.handle_starttag(tag, attrs) return endpos