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2022-02-23 06:54:16 +00:00
Complete implementation of the XDG Desktop Entry Specification
Not supported:
- Encoding: Legacy Mixed
- Does not check exec parameters
- Does not check URL's
- Does not completly validate deprecated/kde items
- Does not completly check categories
from .IniFile import IniFile
from . import Locale
from .IniFile import is_ascii
from .Exceptions import ParsingError
from .util import which
import os.path
import re
import warnings
class DesktopEntry(IniFile):
"Class to parse and validate Desktop Entries"
defaultGroup = 'Desktop Entry'
def __init__(self, filename=None):
"""Create a new DesktopEntry.
If filename exists, it will be parsed as a desktop entry file. If not,
or if filename is None, a blank DesktopEntry is created.
self.content = dict()
if filename and os.path.exists(filename):
elif filename:
def __str__(self):
return self.getName()
def parse(self, file):
"""Parse a desktop entry file.
This can raise :class:`~xdg.Exceptions.ParsingError`,
:class:`~xdg.Exceptions.DuplicateGroupError` or
IniFile.parse(self, file, ["Desktop Entry", "KDE Desktop Entry"])
def findTryExec(self):
"""Looks in the PATH for the executable given in the TryExec field.
Returns the full path to the executable if it is found, None if not.
Raises :class:`~xdg.Exceptions.NoKeyError` if TryExec is not present.
tryexec = self.get('TryExec', strict=True)
return which(tryexec)
# start standard keys
def getType(self):
return self.get('Type')
def getVersion(self):
"""deprecated, use getVersionString instead """
return self.get('Version', type="numeric")
def getVersionString(self):
return self.get('Version')
def getName(self):
return self.get('Name', locale=True)
def getGenericName(self):
return self.get('GenericName', locale=True)
def getNoDisplay(self):
return self.get('NoDisplay', type="boolean")
def getComment(self):
return self.get('Comment', locale=True)
def getIcon(self):
return self.get('Icon', locale=True)
def getHidden(self):
return self.get('Hidden', type="boolean")
def getOnlyShowIn(self):
return self.get('OnlyShowIn', list=True)
def getNotShowIn(self):
return self.get('NotShowIn', list=True)
def getTryExec(self):
return self.get('TryExec')
def getExec(self):
return self.get('Exec')
def getPath(self):
return self.get('Path')
def getTerminal(self):
return self.get('Terminal', type="boolean")
def getMimeType(self):
"""deprecated, use getMimeTypes instead """
return self.get('MimeType', list=True, type="regex")
def getMimeTypes(self):
return self.get('MimeType', list=True)
def getCategories(self):
return self.get('Categories', list=True)
def getStartupNotify(self):
return self.get('StartupNotify', type="boolean")
def getStartupWMClass(self):
return self.get('StartupWMClass')
def getURL(self):
return self.get('URL')
# end standard keys
# start kde keys
def getServiceTypes(self):
return self.get('ServiceTypes', list=True)
def getDocPath(self):
return self.get('DocPath')
def getKeywords(self):
return self.get('Keywords', list=True, locale=True)
def getInitialPreference(self):
return self.get('InitialPreference')
def getDev(self):
return self.get('Dev')
def getFSType(self):
return self.get('FSType')
def getMountPoint(self):
return self.get('MountPoint')
def getReadonly(self):
return self.get('ReadOnly', type="boolean")
def getUnmountIcon(self):
return self.get('UnmountIcon', locale=True)
# end kde keys
# start deprecated keys
def getMiniIcon(self):
return self.get('MiniIcon', locale=True)
def getTerminalOptions(self):
return self.get('TerminalOptions')
def getDefaultApp(self):
return self.get('DefaultApp')
def getProtocols(self):
return self.get('Protocols', list=True)
def getExtensions(self):
return self.get('Extensions', list=True)
def getBinaryPattern(self):
return self.get('BinaryPattern')
def getMapNotify(self):
return self.get('MapNotify')
def getEncoding(self):
return self.get('Encoding')
def getSwallowTitle(self):
return self.get('SwallowTitle', locale=True)
def getSwallowExec(self):
return self.get('SwallowExec')
def getSortOrder(self):
return self.get('SortOrder', list=True)
def getFilePattern(self):
return self.get('FilePattern', type="regex")
def getActions(self):
return self.get('Actions', list=True)
# end deprecated keys
# desktop entry edit stuff
def new(self, filename):
"""Make this instance into a new, blank desktop entry.
If filename has a .desktop extension, Type is set to Application. If it
has a .directory extension, Type is Directory. Other extensions will
cause :class:`~xdg.Exceptions.ParsingError` to be raised.
if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == ".desktop":
type = "Application"
elif os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == ".directory":
type = "Directory"
raise ParsingError("Unknown extension", filename)
self.content = dict()
self.set("Type", type)
self.filename = filename
# end desktop entry edit stuff
# validation stuff
def checkExtras(self):
# header
if self.defaultGroup == "KDE Desktop Entry":
self.warnings.append('[KDE Desktop Entry]-Header is deprecated')
# file extension
if self.fileExtension == ".kdelnk":
self.warnings.append("File extension .kdelnk is deprecated")
elif self.fileExtension != ".desktop" and self.fileExtension != ".directory":
self.warnings.append('Unknown File extension')
# Type
self.type = self.content[self.defaultGroup]["Type"]
except KeyError:
self.errors.append("Key 'Type' is missing")
# Name
self.name = self.content[self.defaultGroup]["Name"]
except KeyError:
self.errors.append("Key 'Name' is missing")
def checkGroup(self, group):
# check if group header is valid
if not (group == self.defaultGroup \
or re.match("^Desktop Action [a-zA-Z0-9-]+$", group) \
or (re.match("^X-", group) and is_ascii(group))):
self.errors.append("Invalid Group name: %s" % group)
#OnlyShowIn and NotShowIn
if ("OnlyShowIn" in self.content[group]) and ("NotShowIn" in self.content[group]):
self.errors.append("Group may either have OnlyShowIn or NotShowIn, but not both")
def checkKey(self, key, value, group):
# standard keys
if key == "Type":
if value == "ServiceType" or value == "Service" or value == "FSDevice":
self.warnings.append("Type=%s is a KDE extension" % key)
elif value == "MimeType":
self.warnings.append("Type=MimeType is deprecated")
elif not (value == "Application" or value == "Link" or value == "Directory"):
self.errors.append("Value of key 'Type' must be Application, Link or Directory, but is '%s'" % value)
if self.fileExtension == ".directory" and not value == "Directory":
self.warnings.append("File extension is .directory, but Type is '%s'" % value)
elif self.fileExtension == ".desktop" and value == "Directory":
self.warnings.append("Files with Type=Directory should have the extension .directory")
if value == "Application":
if "Exec" not in self.content[group]:
self.warnings.append("Type=Application needs 'Exec' key")
if value == "Link":
if "URL" not in self.content[group]:
self.warnings.append("Type=Link needs 'URL' key")
elif key == "Version":
self.checkValue(key, value)
elif re.match("^Name"+xdg.Locale.regex+"$", key):
pass # locale string
elif re.match("^GenericName"+xdg.Locale.regex+"$", key):
pass # locale string
elif key == "NoDisplay":
self.checkValue(key, value, type="boolean")
elif re.match("^Comment"+xdg.Locale.regex+"$", key):
pass # locale string
elif re.match("^Icon"+xdg.Locale.regex+"$", key):
self.checkValue(key, value)
elif key == "Hidden":
self.checkValue(key, value, type="boolean")
elif key == "OnlyShowIn":
self.checkValue(key, value, list=True)
elif key == "NotShowIn":
self.checkValue(key, value, list=True)
elif key == "TryExec":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.checkType(key, "Application")
elif key == "Exec":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.checkType(key, "Application")
elif key == "Path":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.checkType(key, "Application")
elif key == "Terminal":
self.checkValue(key, value, type="boolean")
self.checkType(key, "Application")
elif key == "Actions":
self.checkValue(key, value, list=True)
self.checkType(key, "Application")
elif key == "MimeType":
self.checkValue(key, value, list=True)
self.checkType(key, "Application")
elif key == "Categories":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.checkType(key, "Application")
elif re.match("^Keywords"+xdg.Locale.regex+"$", key):
self.checkValue(key, value, type="localestring", list=True)
self.checkType(key, "Application")
elif key == "StartupNotify":
self.checkValue(key, value, type="boolean")
self.checkType(key, "Application")
elif key == "StartupWMClass":
self.checkType(key, "Application")
elif key == "URL":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.checkType(key, "URL")
# kde extensions
elif key == "ServiceTypes":
self.checkValue(key, value, list=True)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is a KDE extension" % key)
elif key == "DocPath":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is a KDE extension" % key)
elif key == "InitialPreference":
self.checkValue(key, value, type="numeric")
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is a KDE extension" % key)
elif key == "Dev":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.checkType(key, "FSDevice")
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is a KDE extension" % key)
elif key == "FSType":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.checkType(key, "FSDevice")
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is a KDE extension" % key)
elif key == "MountPoint":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.checkType(key, "FSDevice")
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is a KDE extension" % key)
elif key == "ReadOnly":
self.checkValue(key, value, type="boolean")
self.checkType(key, "FSDevice")
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is a KDE extension" % key)
elif re.match("^UnmountIcon"+xdg.Locale.regex+"$", key):
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.checkType(key, "FSDevice")
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is a KDE extension" % key)
# deprecated keys
elif key == "Encoding":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
elif re.match("^MiniIcon"+xdg.Locale.regex+"$", key):
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
elif key == "TerminalOptions":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
elif key == "DefaultApp":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
elif key == "Protocols":
self.checkValue(key, value, list=True)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
elif key == "Extensions":
self.checkValue(key, value, list=True)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
elif key == "BinaryPattern":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
elif key == "MapNotify":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
elif re.match("^SwallowTitle"+xdg.Locale.regex+"$", key):
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
elif key == "SwallowExec":
self.checkValue(key, value)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
elif key == "FilePattern":
self.checkValue(key, value, type="regex", list=True)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
elif key == "SortOrder":
self.checkValue(key, value, list=True)
self.warnings.append("Key '%s' is deprecated" % key)
# "X-" extensions
elif re.match("^X-[a-zA-Z0-9-]+", key):
self.errors.append("Invalid key: %s" % key)
def checkType(self, key, type):
if not self.getType() == type:
self.errors.append("Key '%s' only allowed in Type=%s" % (key, type))
def checkOnlyShowIn(self, value):
values = self.getList(value)
valid = ["GNOME", "KDE", "LXDE", "MATE", "Razor", "ROX", "TDE", "Unity",
"XFCE", "Old"]
for item in values:
if item not in valid and item[0:2] != "X-":
self.errors.append("'%s' is not a registered OnlyShowIn value" % item);
def checkCategories(self, value):
values = self.getList(value)
main = ["AudioVideo", "Audio", "Video", "Development", "Education", "Game", "Graphics", "Network", "Office", "Science", "Settings", "System", "Utility"]
if not any(item in main for item in values):
self.errors.append("Missing main category")
additional = ['Building', 'Debugger', 'IDE', 'GUIDesigner', 'Profiling', 'RevisionControl', 'Translation', 'Calendar', 'ContactManagement', 'Database', 'Dictionary', 'Chart', 'Email', 'Finance', 'FlowChart', 'PDA', 'ProjectManagement', 'Presentation', 'Spreadsheet', 'WordProcessor', '2DGraphics', 'VectorGraphics', 'RasterGraphics', '3DGraphics', 'Scanning', 'OCR', 'Photography', 'Publishing', 'Viewer', 'TextTools', 'DesktopSettings', 'HardwareSettings', 'Printing', 'PackageManager', 'Dialup', 'InstantMessaging', 'Chat', 'IRCClient', 'Feed', 'FileTransfer', 'HamRadio', 'News', 'P2P', 'RemoteAccess', 'Telephony', 'TelephonyTools', 'VideoConference', 'WebBrowser', 'WebDevelopment', 'Midi', 'Mixer', 'Sequencer', 'Tuner', 'TV', 'AudioVideoEditing', 'Player', 'Recorder', 'DiscBurning', 'ActionGame', 'AdventureGame', 'ArcadeGame', 'BoardGame', 'BlocksGame', 'CardGame', 'KidsGame', 'LogicGame', 'RolePlaying', 'Shooter', 'Simulation', 'SportsGame', 'StrategyGame', 'Art', 'Construction', 'Music', 'Languages', 'ArtificialIntelligence', 'Astronomy', 'Biology', 'Chemistry', 'ComputerScience', 'DataVisualization', 'Economy', 'Electricity', 'Geography', 'Geology', 'Geoscience', 'History', 'Humanities', 'ImageProcessing', 'Literature', 'Maps', 'Math', 'NumericalAnalysis', 'MedicalSoftware', 'Physics', 'Robotics', 'Spirituality', 'Sports', 'ParallelComputing', 'Amusement', 'Archiving', 'Compression', 'Electronics', 'Emulator', 'Engineering', 'FileTools', 'FileManager', 'TerminalEmulator', 'Filesystem', 'Monitor', 'Security', 'Accessibility', 'Calculator', 'Clock', 'TextEditor', 'Documentation', 'Adult', 'Core', 'KDE', 'GNOME', 'XFCE', 'GTK', 'Qt', 'Motif', 'Java', 'ConsoleOnly']
allcategories = additional + main
for item in values:
if item not in allcategories and not item.startswith("X-"):
self.errors.append("'%s' is not a registered Category" % item);
def checkCategorie(self, value):
"""Deprecated alias for checkCategories - only exists for backwards
warnings.warn("checkCategorie is deprecated, use checkCategories",
return self.checkCategories(value)