#!/bin/bash . CONFIG rootNisoChk() { if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then softChk else echo "Sorry, you are not root." exit 1 fi } softChk() { xyphr=$(which Xephyr) ## Chroot view window || alt desktop window sysLnx=$(which syslinux) ## Casper stuff squash=$(which unsquashfs) ## Squashfs-tools genIso=$(which genisoimage) ## Iso maker clear if [[ $xyphr == "" ]] || [[ $sysLnx == "" ]] || \ [[ $squash == "" ]] || [[ $genIso == "" ]]; then echo -e "## Missing some packages ##\n" \ "Xephyr :" "${xyphr}\n" \ "Syslinux :" "${sysLnx}\n" \ "Squashfs-tools :" "${squash}\n" \ "Genisoimage :" "${genIso}\n" \ "Going to run :\n" \ " apt-get install xserver-xephyr syslinux squashfs-tools genisoimage -y" sleep 4 apt-get install xserver-xephyr syslinux squashfs-tools genisoimage -y getIso else getIso fi } getIso() { clear echo -e "## Download Ubuntu Mini Remix ##\n" \ "Would you like to download an Ubuntu Mini Iso?" read -p "(yY/Nn) --> " ANSR while [[ $ANSR != "y" ]] && [[ $ANSR != "Y" ]] && \ [[ $ANSR != "n" ]] && [[ $ANSR != "N" ]] do read -p "(yY/Nn) --> " ANSR done ## Check if dl iso is wanted then dl it if [[ $ANSR == "Y" ]] || [[ $ANSR == "y" ]]; then clear echo -e "## Default Settings Or Set Version And Arch ##\n" \ "Would you like to use the default choices? " read -p "(yY/Nn) --> " ANSR while [[ $ANSR != "y" ]] && [[ $ANSR != "Y" ]] && \ [[ $ANSR != "n" ]] && [[ $ANSR != "N" ]] do read -p "(yY/Nn) --> " ANSR done if [ "${ANSR}" == "N" ] || [ "${ANSR}" == "n" ]; then clear echo -e "## Get Version ##\n" \ "What version would you like?\n" \ "Examples :\n" \ " LTS : 16.04\n" \ " Non-LTS : 15.10\n" \ "Be very sure you are correctly entering the version." read -p "Version --> : " VERSION clear echo -e "## Get Architect ##\n" \ "What version would you like?\n" \ " 32bit : i386\n" \ " 64bit : amd64\n" \ "Be very sure you are correctly entering the architect." read -p "Arch --> : " ARCH wget http://ubuntu-mini-remix.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/ubuntu-mini-remix/"${VERSION}"/ubuntu-mini-remix-"${VERSION}"-"${ARCH}".iso else wget http://ubuntu-mini-remix.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/ubuntu-mini-remix/"${VERSION}"/ubuntu-mini-remix-"${VERSION}"-"${ARCH}".iso main fi else main fi } main() { list=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.iso" -printf '%P\n') if [[ "${list}" == "" ]] && [ ! -d squashfs-root ]; then clear echo -e "Sorry, there is no iso or squashfs-root dir to work with in the current directory.\n" "Going back to download an Ubuntu Mini Iso..." sleep 4 getIso elif [[ "${list}" != "" ]] && [ -d squashfs-root ]; then ANSR="" while [[ $ANSR != "1" ]] && [[ $ANSR != "2" ]] && [[ $ANSR != "3" ]]; do clear echo -e "Both an iso and squashfs-root are present...\n" "Which do you wish to use?\n" \ "1.) $(echo ./*.iso)\n" \ "2.) Use former session: squashfs-root\n" \ "3.) Exit" read -p "--> : " ANSR done if [[ $ANSR == "1" ]]; then bash cleanup.sh mountAndCopy elif [[ $ANSR == "2" ]]; then chrootr elif [[ $ANSR == "3" ]]; then exit fi elif [ -d squashfs-root ]; then clear echo "Squashfs-root directory found. Chrooting to directory." sleep 4 chrootr elif [[ "${list}" != "" ]]; then clear echo -e "Iso(s) found. Will mount one and copying to proper file structure.\n" \ "Then will chroot in..." sleep 4 mountAndCopy chrootr fi } mountAndCopy() { ## Prep dirs mkdir iso/ mnt/ ## Prep filesystem isoList=($(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.iso" -printf '%P\n')) count="${#isoList[@]}" ANSR="" while [[ "${ANSR}" > "${count}" || "${ANSR}" < "0" ]]; do x=0; clear for i in "${isoList[@]}"; do echo "$x - ${i}" ((x++)) done echo "Chose the ISO from above using the number." read -p "-->: " ANSR done echo "You chose : ${isoList[$ANSR]}" mount -o loop ./"${isoList[$ANSR]}" mnt/ cp -r mnt/. iso/ && \ mv iso/casper/filesystem.squashfs . ## Unspuashfs the squashfs unsquashfs filesystem.squashfs && rm filesystem.squashfs ## Cleanup some prep items umount mnt/ && rmdir mnt/ ## Copy over build files 'n scripts cp AUTO_INSTALL.sh squashfs-root/ cp -r COPY_OVER_TO_CHROOT/ squashfs-root/ } chrootr() { ## Set Xephyr and set chrooting mounts Xephyr -resizeable -screen "${RES}" "${ID}" & cd squashfs-root/ mount -t proc proc proc/ mount -t sysfs sys sys/ mount -o bind /dev dev/ cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/ ## Enter env with chroot chroot . bash ## Unmount binds umount -lf dev/ umount -lf proc/ umount -lf sys/ cd .. setConfigs } setConfigs() { ## Edit Iso boot info bits sed -i 3s/Ubuntu/"${NAME}"/g iso/isolinux/txt.cfg sed -i 7s/Ubuntu/"${NAME}"/g iso/isolinux/txt.cfg ## Set Live user and Hostename sed -i 14s/Ubuntu/"${lvUSER}"/g squashfs-root/etc/casper.conf sed -i 5,7s/ubuntu/"${lvUSER}"/g squashfs-root/etc/casper.conf ## Recreate manifest and clean it Note: MUST be after all setting changes chroot squashfs-root/ dpkg-query -W --showformat="${Package} ${VERSION}\n" | sudo tee iso/casper/filesystem.manifest cp -v iso/casper/filesystem.manifest iso/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop for i in $REMOVE; do sed -i "/${i}/d" iso/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop done genSqush } genSqush() { ## Recreate squashfs mksquashfs squashfs-root/ iso/casper/filesystem.squashfs -comp xz -e squashfs-root/boot ## Write the filesystem.size file, which is needed by the installer: chmod 644 iso/casper/filesystem.size sudo du -sx --block-size=1 squashfs-root/ | cut -f1 > iso/casper/filesystem.size chmod 444 iso/casper/filesystem.size ## Calculate MD5 (cd iso && find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | grep -v "\./md5sum.txt" > SHA256SUMS) genIsoImg } genIsoImg() { ## Generate Iso cd iso/ sudo mkisofs -D -r -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c \ isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o \ ../"${NAME}".iso . } rootNisoChk