#!/bin/bash # ---- Setup Aliases ---- # shopt -s expand_aliases alias echo="echo -e" # The system release version working from function set_system_release() { IN=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "VERSION_CODENAME") ARRY=(${IN//=/ }) SYSTEM_RELEASE="${ARRY[1]}" } # ---- Setup Variables ---- # SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd "$(dirname "")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"; CHROOT_PTH="./work/chroot" # Resolution of Xephyr... ex: 1920x1080 or 1600x900, etc RESOLUTION="1920x1080" # Screen-id of Xephyr... ex: :10 or :1.0, etc # Note: Don't use :0 or :0.0 as they are your system's. ID=":10" # Your system release... this is set by set_system_release # function above and can be safetly ignored SYSTEM_RELEASE="" # $RELEASE is the version of Ubuntu/Debian you intend to build an ISO for. # Some options: xenal, bionic, disco, focal # Versions: xenal (16.0.4), bionic (18.04), disco (19.04), focal (20.04) RELEASE="" # $ARCH is the target processor architecture. # For old 32 bit x86 systems use i386. # For newer 64-bit x86 systems (also known as x64, x86_64, Intel 64, and AMD64) use amd64. ARCH="" # the name of your distro and ISO OS_NAME="" # The user of the live boot LIVE_USER="" # ---- Call CONFIG Methods Here As Needed ---- # set_system_release; cd "${SCRIPT_PATH}"; # ---- DO NOT CHANGE OR REMOVE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING ---- # # Clean manifest-desktop file of unneeded parts REMOVE='ubiquity ubiquity-frontend-gtk ubiquity-frontend-kde casper lupin-casper live-initramfs user-setup discover1 xresprobe os-prober libdebian-installer4'