# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Illusoft Collada 1.4 plugin for Blender # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Copyright (C) 2006: Illusoft - colladablender@illusoft.com # 2008.05.08 modif. for debug mode by migius (AKA Remigiusz Fiedler) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, # or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys import os import Blender from Blender.Mathutils import * import string ''' Translation map. Used to translate every COLLADA id to a valid id, no matter what "wrong" letters may be included. Look at the IDREF XSD declaration for more. Follows strictly the COLLADA XSD declaration which explicitly allows non-english chars, like special chars (e.g. micro sign), umlauts and so on. The COLLADA spec also allows additional chars for member access ('.'), these must obviously be removed too, otherwise they would be heavily misinterpreted. ''' translateMap = "" + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(45) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(48) + chr(49) + chr(50) + chr(51) + chr(52) + chr(53) + chr(54) + chr(55) + \ chr(56) + chr(57) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(65) + chr(66) + chr(67) + chr(68) + chr(69) + chr(70) + chr(71) + \ chr(72) + chr(73) + chr(74) + chr(75) + chr(76) + chr(77) + chr(78) + chr(79) + \ chr(80) + chr(81) + chr(82) + chr(83) + chr(84) + chr(85) + chr(86) + chr(87) + \ chr(88) + chr(89) + chr(90) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(97) + chr(98) + chr(99) + chr(100) + chr(101) + chr(102) + chr(103) + \ chr(104) + chr(105) + chr(106) + chr(107) + chr(108) + chr(109) + chr(110) + chr(111) + \ chr(112) + chr(113) + chr(114) + chr(115) + chr(116) + chr(117) + chr(118) + chr(119) + \ chr(120) + chr(121) + chr(122) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(183) + \ chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + chr(95) + \ chr(192) + chr(193) + chr(194) + chr(195) + chr(196) + chr(197) + chr(198) + chr(199) + \ chr(200) + chr(201) + chr(202) + chr(203) + chr(204) + chr(205) + chr(206) + chr(207) + \ chr(208) + chr(209) + chr(210) + chr(211) + chr(212) + chr(213) + chr(214) + chr(95) + \ chr(216) + chr(217) + chr(218) + chr(219) + chr(220) + chr(221) + chr(222) + chr(223) + \ chr(224) + chr(225) + chr(226) + chr(227) + chr(228) + chr(229) + chr(230) + chr(231) + \ chr(232) + chr(233) + chr(234) + chr(235) + chr(236) + chr(237) + chr(238) + chr(239) + \ chr(240) + chr(241) + chr(242) + chr(243) + chr(244) + chr(245) + chr(246) + chr(95) + \ chr(248) + chr(249) + chr(250) + chr(251) + chr(252) + chr(253) + chr(254) + chr(255) #---Classes--- class Debug(object): __debugLevels = ['ALL','DEBUG','FEEDBACK','WARNING','ERROR','NONE'] # the current debugLevel debugLevel = 'ALL' # Method: Debug a message def Debug(message, level): #print 'deb:', level, message #deb-------- currentLevelIndex = Debug.__debugLevels.index(Debug.debugLevel) if str(level).isdigit() and level >= currentLevelIndex: print Debug.__debugLevels[level] + ': ' + message else: try: i = Debug.__debugLevels.index(level) if i >= currentLevelIndex : print level + ': ' + str(message) except: print 'exception in cutils.py-Debug()' pass # make Debug a static method Debug = staticmethod(Debug) # Method: Set the Debug Level def SetLevel(level): try: Debug.__debugLevels.index(level) Debug.debugLevel = level return True except: Debug('Debuglevel not available','WARNING') return False # Make SetLevel a static method SetLevel = staticmethod(SetLevel) #---Functions---- angleToRadian = 3.1415926 / 180.0 radianToAngle = 180.0 / 3.1415926 # Convert a string to a float if the value exists def ToFloat(val): if val is None or val == '': return None else: return float(val) # Convert a string to a int if the value exists def ToInt(val): if val is None or val == '': return None else: return int(val) # Convert a string to a list of 3 floats e.g '1.0 2.0 3.0' -> [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] def ToFloat3(stringValue): if stringValue is None: return None split = stringValue.split( ) return [ float( split[ 0 ] ), float( split[ 1 ] ), float( split[ 2 ] ) ] # Convert a string to a list of 2 floats e.g '1.0 2.0' -> [1.0, 2.0] def ToFloat2(stringValue, errorText=''): if stringValue is None: return None split = stringValue.split( ) try: return [ float( split[ 0 ] ), float( split[ 1 ] )] except IndexError: print 'Error: ' + errorText raise def CreateRelativePath(basePath, filePath): if basePath is None or basePath is '' or filePath is None or filePath is '': return '' try: if not Blender.sys.exists(filePath): return '' except TypeError: return '' basePathAr = basePath.lower().split(Blender.sys.sep) filePathAr = filePath.lower().split(Blender.sys.sep) filePathLength = len(filePathAr) if not basePathAr[0] == filePathAr[0]: # Files must have the same root. return filePath result = '' equalIndex = -1 for i in range(len(basePathAr)-1): if basePathAr[i] == filePathAr[i]: pass else: if equalIndex == -1: equalIndex = i result += '..'+ Blender.sys.sep if equalIndex == -1: equalIndex = len(basePathAr)-1 for i in range(equalIndex, filePathLength): result += filePathAr[i] if not i == filePathLength-1: result += Blender.sys.sep return result def ToList(var): result = [] if var is None: return result split = var.split( ) for i in split: result.append(i) return result # Convert a string or list to a list of floats def ToFloatList(var): result = [] if var is None: return result if type(var) == list: for i in var: result.append(float(i)) else: split = var.split( ) for i in split: result.append(float(i)) return result def ToIntList(lst): result = [] if lst is None: return result if type(lst) == list: for i in lst: result.append(int(i)) else: split = lst.split( ) for i in split: result.append(int(i)) return result def ToBoolList(lst): result = [] if lst is None: return result for i in lst: result.append(bool(i)) return result # Convert a string to a list of 4 floats e.g '1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0' -> [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0] def ToFloat4(stringValue): split = stringValue.split( ) return [ float( split[ 0 ] ), float( split[ 1 ] ), float( split[ 2 ] ) , float( split[3])] def ToFloat7(stringValue): data = stringValue.split( ) return [ float(data[0]), float(data[1]), float(data[2]), float(data[3]), float(data[4]), float(data[5]), float(data[6])] def AddVec3( vector1, vector2 ): vector1.x += vector2.x vector1.y += vector2.y vector1.z += vector2.z def ToMatrix4( matrixElement ): if matrixElement is None: return None if not isinstance(matrixElement,list): data = matrixElement.split( ) vec1 = [ float(data[0]), float(data[4]), float(data[8]), float(data[12]) ] vec2 = [ float(data[1]), float(data[5]), float(data[9]), float(data[13]) ] vec3 = [ float(data[2]), float(data[6]), float(data[10]), float(data[14]) ] vec4 = [ float(data[3]), float(data[7]), float(data[11]), float(data[15]) ] else: vec1 = matrixElement[0:4] vec2 = matrixElement[4:8] vec3 = matrixElement[8:12] vec4 = matrixElement[12:16] return Blender.Mathutils.Matrix( vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4 ) def ToMatrix3(matrixElement): data = matrixElement.split( ) vec1 = [ float(data[0]), float(data[3]), float(data[6]) ] vec2 = [ float(data[1]), float(data[4]), float(data[7])] vec3 = [ float(data[2]), float(data[5]), float(data[8])] return Blender.Mathutils.Matrix( vec1, vec2, vec3) def GetVector3( element ): value = [ float( element[ 0 ] ), float( element[ 1 ] ), float( element[ 2 ] ) ] return Blender.Mathutils.Vector( value ) def GetEuler( rotateElement ): euler = [ float( rotateElement[ 0 ] ) * float( rotateElement[ 3 ] ) * angleToRadian, float( rotateElement[ 1 ] ) * float( rotateElement[ 3 ] ) * angleToRadian, float( rotateElement[ 2 ] ) * float( rotateElement[ 3 ] ) * angleToRadian ] return Blender.Mathutils.Euler( euler ) def AddEuler(euler1, euler2): euler1.x += euler2.x euler1.y += euler2.y euler1.z += euler2.z # Clear the console def ClearConsole(): if sys.platform == 'linux-i386' or sys.platform == 'linux2': sysCommand = 'clear' elif sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'dos' or sys.platform[0:5] == 'ms-dos' : sysCommand = 'cls' else : sysCommand = 'unknown' if sysCommand != 'unknown': os.system(sysCommand) def MatrixToString(mat, nDigits): result = '' if mat is None: return result for vec in mat: result += '\n\t' for i in vec: result += str(round(i, nDigits))+' ' return result+'\n' def MatrixToList(mat): result = [] for vec in mat: result.extend(list(vec)) return result def RoundList(lst, nDigits): result = [] for i in lst: val = round(i, nDigits) if val < (1.0 / 10**nDigits): val = 0 result.append(round(i, nDigits)) return result def ListToString(lst, nDigits = 5): val = '' if lst is None: return val else: for i in lst: if type(i) == list: val += ListToString(i)+'\n' elif isinstance(i, float): f = '%.'+str(nDigits)+'f ' val += f % i else: val += str(i)+' ' return val[:-1] def GetValidFilename(filename): filename = Blender.sys.expandpath( filename ) filename = filename.replace( "//", "/" ) filename = filename.replace( Blender.sys.sep, "/" ) return "file://" + filename def GetColumnVector(matrix, colNumber, rowCount): if rowCount == 4: return Vector(matrix[0][colNumber], matrix[1][colNumber], matrix[2][colNumber], matrix[3][colNumber]) else: return Vector(matrix[0][colNumber], matrix[1][colNumber], matrix[2][colNumber]) def PrintTransforms(matrix, name): print "\n",name, "matrix\n", matrix newMat = Matrix(matrix).transpose() print name,"loc: ", newMat.translationPart() print name,"euler: ", newMat.toEuler() print name,"scale: ", newMat.scalePart() def MakeIDXMLConform(id): ''' Make the name/id COLLADA XML/XSD conform. See StripString and translateMap docu for more information. ''' if (len(id) > 0 and id[0] == '#'): return '#' + string.translate(id[1:], translateMap) else: return string.translate(id, translateMap) def AdjustName(adjustedName): ''' Make the name/id COLLADA XML/XSD conform. See StripString and translateMap docu for more information. ''' if len(adjustedName) > 0 and not adjustedName[0].isalpha(): adjustedName = "i"+adjustedName return MakeIDXMLConform(adjustedName) ''' List of error IDs and common strings. ''' # Expects 1 argument: The mesh name. # Means that the armature modifier for a mesh couldn't be found, # probably the parenting is wrong. ERROR_MESH_ARMATURE_PARENT = 1 MSG_ERROR_FATAL = "Fatal error. Exit script." def HandleError(failureId, *args): ''' Prints the error message belonging to the given Id. May raise an exception if it's a fatal error. ''' if (failureId == ERROR_MESH_ARMATURE_PARENT): print("Can't read armature modifier for mesh %s.\n" \ "Most likely your armature isn't correctly parenting the mesh.\n" \ % args[0]) raise MSG_ERROR_FATAL else: print("Wrong failure id: %i" % failureId)